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Discover Leadership Training boldly provides the most impactive, sustainable, and challenging leadership development solutions for the world. We enthusiastically inspire each member of the team to create a better version of themselves and accept personal responsibility for their team’s success. We are on your team.
READ MOREThought of The Day
You are the only person on the planet who can use your ability. Give all that you have in this moment. It will matter because you count. There is an "I" in team. It's you!
When you say something is unrealistic, you are saying that it is impossible or unreasonable. Every new invention and every record broken was seen as unreasonable by others. It only took one person to believe it was possible and do it, then others were inspired to believe. You know that ONE PERSON that I mentioned? Why not you? Why not now? Invite those in your world to join you on your journey to Create a Better Version of Yourself.
The way your life is right now is nothing more than the manifestation of your choices. There are no victims, only volunteers. Make sure the choices you are making will manifest the outcomes you want. If you are blaming something or someone else, the game is over and there is no chance you will succeed. Only when you accept personal responsibility do you keep what's possible alive.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
"The greatest test of courage on the earth is to bear defeat without losing heart." - Robert Green Ingersoll Defeat is nothing more than a precursor to your impending success as long as you continue moving forward, changing your approach until you reach the outcome.
Look in the mirror. What do you see? What you see is who you have "BE"come. Do you do things that you don't like or that frustrate you? Yeah, there is likely some of that showing up in that mirror in this present moment. I've got some good news for you. There is no need to spend time focused on fixing that stuff, just focus on doing even more stuff that makes you smile from deep within and then give it away. I guarantee there is someone out there that can use your help with this one.
In every one of our futures is a day when we will only have our past to look at. That future and that past are being created in this present moment. If you find yourself focused on the past, it will become your future. If you choose to focus on creating your future by focusing on what you want and accepting personal responsibility to create it, your future will then authentically become your past.
Wake Up! IT'S PARTY TIME!! You have a choice - you can focus on all the positive things and celebrate, or you can focus on everything that went wrong and throw a pity party. If you will be throwing or attending a pity party today, here are a few essential items you must have: a list of character flaws, a list of everything that has gone wrong, and a portable hole to crawl into... sound like fun? Which party will you choose?
Having people execute their duties out of fear or compliance is not positive, effective leadership. Enrolling them to accept "personal responsibility" for the outcome has far more value. I submit that positive, effective leadership is getting people to perform beyond excellence even if they are not obligated to do so.
In order to have the absolute best day of your life every day, you must accept personal responsibility to make it happen. If you are waiting for anyone else to create it for you, it may never happen. This is your NOW, and this IS the best day in your life to begin living on purpose.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
The best time to go for what you want is in this "present moment". Time is a paradox, stretching between your past and your future that has no reality except in your mind. So live in the moment - go for what you want NOW with heart, body, and soul.
Some say there are doors and windows of opportunity. You know, that really is true; it is called CHOICE. WAYFO? What Are You Focused On? I'm just sayin'.
With every choice you make right NOW you are in the process of creating the future. So in order to create the future you want, you do not need luck. You need an outcome. iFOTO is my motto (i Focus On The Outcome).
There is something really special about to happen to someone. I am not sure what it is, however, I know it will happen. I know you want to know why this is happening. Well, why not? I have even better questions, why not you? Why not NOW?
Repeat after me, "I am a Morning Person, I am a Morning Person". Oh wait, I forgot to tell you, you must believe it before you see it. BTW, every day starts with a morning. It might be a good idea to become a morning person. I'm just sayin'...
It's Tuesday, and as soon as you open your eyes this morning, you can decide to make this another Great Day to BE Alive. I understand there may be some stuff going on right now that you have NO control over, however, you do have control of the choice you are about to make regarding that stuff. I highly recommend that you write a compelling story about the positive day you will have before you get started.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If you are unable to find love within yourself, it is useless to search for it in someone or something outside of you.
When the observers in your personal relationships become the observed, there will be less conflict and a lot of brand new, positive, never seen before, amazing, unreasonable possibilities created.
In the context of this conversation there are no victims, only volunteers. If you are presently experiencing anything in your life that you do not want, look within yourself for the answers. Ask yourself, "What else can I do to create what I want?" and then take personal responsibility for making it happen. If you are willing to take personal responsibility, there is no one else to blame. When the "observer" becomes the "observed" new possibilities will emerge.
Teamwork is just work unless your team is focused on the same outcome. Once the outcome is clear to every member of your team, then a commitment is made to synergize all of the resources of the team to get to that outcome. Think of it this way... a team is much like an orchestra in which each member may be playing a different instrument; however, they are playing the same song in perfect harmony.
Are you living a life of significance or success? Every time you step up to do something significant, there will be naysayers. They are a gift; you should embrace them. They will authenticate your commitment to a life of creating a significant legacy.
I want to help you with an awareness this morning that just may change the way you see everything and everyone you encounter today. Everything you are viewing or experiencing on any level is going through your personal filter. You are assessing if those things are good, attractive, ugly, bad or whatever. Okay, here is the awareness; the assessments you make have nothing to do with your feelings or moods relating to what you see. You are creating 100% of them based on your personal map. And here is an even bigger awareness, your map is not the entire territory. It is just your map.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
There is one answer to every question in the universe and that answer is YES! If you constantly tell yourself that you can't, you won't. If you constantly tell yourself you can, you will. WAYFO? (What Are You Focused On?) What you focus on will expand!
Apprehension only exists in the conversation you are having with yourself. Stand up to your fears. You will find that they are not as strong as you thought they were.
I have found that the easiest way for you to personally grow to your next level is by accepting personal responsibility for everything going on in your life, blaming no one. Make the choice to live in a state of inquiry, not advocacy. The more you advocate for your position, the less likely you will recognize the opportunity to grow when it appears.
Every day we crucify ourselves between two thieves, the regrets of yesterday and the fears of tomorrow. This is your NOW, pour your heart, body, and soul into this present moment. There is nothing wrong, nothing needs to be fixed, and there is nothing broken. Whatever you want is available Right Now. The choice that you make NOW will either begin a journey toward what you want or it will not.
Emotions can ignite action; however, emotions rarely sustain the action taken. You must focus on an outcome and remain focused on that outcome in order to sustain it. Take Action Now!
Emotions can ignite action; however, emotions rarely sustain the action taken. You must focus on an outcome and remain focused on that outcome in order to sustain it. Take Action Now!
The storm may rage around you. It is your choice as to whether it rages inside of you. Turmoil, frustration, disappointment, and fear only exist in the conversation you are having with yourself. You are in control of that conversation. Despite what is going on around you, you can make the choice to create a conversation focused on what you want rather than what you don't want. You can quiet the winds, you must simply choose to.
Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Failure is nothing more than a precursor to success as long as you stay in the game. If you fall down five times, stand up six.
To beI have been told many times that it is easier to blame circumstances and people for what is going on in our lives. If that is true, I now fully understand what my mom meant when she told me that life is not easy. Take personal responsibility for your choices.
Regardless of what life has given you, what situations, circumstances, or events you are experiencing, you can ALWAYS choose to be unreasonable and go for what you want. There are no victims, only volunteers. The greatest gift you have been given is choice and you can choose to create whatever reality you want. Despite what is going on around you, your attitude and your choices are still your own. Being unreasonable is redefined in every moment, so make the choice to create what you want... no reasons... no excuses... no alibis.
What comes out of you when the pressure is on is "who you BE". Situations and circumstances do not define you; they simply reveal the conversation that you are having with yourself. It is in those adverse circumstances or situations that your true character is revealed, and your conversation becomes amplified. In those moments, what is being revealed about you? Okay, good thing we got that worked out, because "who you BE, they will BEcome". I sure hope that is good news. Invite those in your world to join you on your journey to Create a Better Version of Yourself.
You are the only person on the planet who can use your gifts and abilities. Well, that is only true if you keep them to yourself. Give the gift of you today and create an opportunity for someone on your team to grow. You will find that the team will produce a lot more than you can alone. Oh, I get it; this is what is meant by "Givers Gain".
A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. They do not set out to be a leader; they become one by the quality of their actions and the integrity of their intent. In the end, leaders are much like eagles, they don't flock together; you find them one at a time. There is an "i" in team!
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Make a commitment to grow every day. Pick a personal value such as sensitivity, self-confidence, passion or enthusiasm. Then your commitment today is to look for opportunities to practice demonstrating that value. Hmm, it may be a good idea to ask for a little help with this one. I'm just sayin'.
Our dreams, potentials, and aspirations are our new possibilities. There are no limitations or impossibilities; they only exist within the conversation you are having with yourself. Create a conversation that is outcome-focused and benefit-driven, and watch to see what happens!
In order to grow as a leader you must be willing to grow as a person. Every last one of us occupies the largest room in the house, and that is the room for improvement. Now, I understand that personal growth is the toughest kind of growth there is, YAY YAY! That must mean that it produces the greatest benefit there is. It sounds like it is worth taking the risk to grow. "Grow for it"!
What comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside you." -Dr. Wayne Dyer Situations do not define you; they simply reveal the conversation that you are having with yourself. It is in those adverse circumstances or situations that your true character is revealed, and your conversation becomes amplified. In those moments, what is being revealed about you?
You have value and something valuable to contribute. DO NOT allow what you can't do to prevent you from doing everything you can. Play FULL OUT and give 100% of what you have.
Have patience with yourself in all things; never confuse what you see as shortcomings or mistakes with your value as a human being. True love is accepting a person for who they are and for who they aren't. Fall in love with yourself today. You shouldn't base your worth on other people's expectations of you.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
The only way to affect the score on the scoreboard is to get in the game. It is always too soon to quit. Your victory is just one step away.
There are no finish lines in life. Even death is not a destination; however, the way we live our lives today will live on even after we are gone. What legacy are you creating today? What will they say about you when you are gone?
You don't know what you don't know until you know that you don't know. Okay, let's be real; none of us knows everything. Many of us believe that "if they know I don't know, I will die". Well, every one of us occupies the largest room in the house and that is the room for improvement. You will not grow professionally or personally until you accept that fact.
The greatest challenge to creating your outcomes and owning your potential in life... is you. Many individuals are able to see the strengths and find value in the people around them. Others can't even see the good in others or themselves. Okay, let's just cut to the chase; today is the best day in your life to catch a few people doing things "RIGHT". That would include catching yourself doing something "RIGHT" also.
Who will you choose to be today to take your personal relationships to the next level? It would be a good idea to choose to take the first step. You will not get to choose how they react to the actions you take, however, you will get to choose how to respond to their reaction. So many choices, you'd best get started. TAN! (Take Action Now!)
I am going out on a limb; Oh Wow, what a great idea. Isn't it out on a limb that you will find the sweetest fruit? I am going to offer a disclaimer: if you choose to step out on a limb you could fall. However, if you do not take that step you will never taste the sweetest fruit on the tree. It is time to make a choice because there is a crowd waiting for the fruit to fall.
Good morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When you have the courage to wholeheartedly embrace a "Heart, Body, and Soul" attitude and play full out, you will redefine what is possible.
"It is not the critic who counts, it's not the man who points out how the doer of deeds could have done them better - the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena", Henry Ford once said. Play full out and live your life on purpose.
In every moment that you step into, there are at least two very powerful forces; fear and faith. The one that you choose is the one you are the most committed to. Step powerfully into the next moment and have faith in something bigger than you.
Really successful people seek opportunities and if they don't find any, they create them. Time to get to seeking and creating; you are not done. It's "Not Over". Now, it's time to TAN (Take Action Now).
Someone once said that winning isn't everything. I disagree with that. I also disagree with how they define winning. I believe that winning is determined by how you play the game. With that said, winning is everything. When you choose to Play Full Out today with integrity and passion, the score on the scoreboard will not matter in the end.
One of my gifts is that when I look at people, I see their potential. What I have been made aware of time and time again is that potential does not equate to character. I have learned that when all is said and done, it will not matter at the end of the game what the score is. What will matter is how you played the game.
Good morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Those who seek the easy way do not seek the true way to personal growth, relational growth, financial security, or a healthier lifestyle.
The time to go for what you want is NOW! There is nothing that needs to be fixed and you are not lacking anything. What stands between you and what you really want is a choice. Take the first step NOW!
I've read that you should seek and you will find. Okay, now that you've found what you want, what's next? It will still require courage to make it happen. No need to seek that! It is available right now. Live today like you were dying.
There will come a day when each of us will be on our deathbed and unfortunately, in that moment most people will be asking one question and making one statement, "What If?†and "If Only". This is your NOW; make the choice to play full out.
If you hear a voice within you saying, "You cannot win", and you choose to stay on the sidelines, you will not win. Silence that voice and get in the game. The only person controlling the conversation you're having with yourself is YOU. That conversation creates the results you produce in your life, both positive and negative. You are 100% personally responsible for those results. Push through your fears, self-doubt, and apprehension, and just TAN! (Take Action Now)
If you have the courage to go for the things that bring you joy and make you happy, the people closest to you will tell you how much they support you. What you may become aware of is that they mean I support you if you do this the way I want you to do it. If you choose to move forward, it might get a little lonely; however, I promise you will never be alone.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Don't look back with regret or forward with fear; just be in the moment and do WIT (Whatever it Takes) to get to your outcomes.
The only way you will grow and know true JOY is by going through conflict. The gift will come from going through the storm, not avoiding it.
It is important for us to Dream, however, no mere Dream will make tomorrow better. The Dream is necessary, however, insufficient. The Dream is a vital step; however, it is only the first step. In order to make the Dream a reality you must wake up. Next, you must have the courage to TAN (Take Action Now) and make your dream a reality.
Talk is cheap because supply is overabundant and demand is low. Now is the time to stop talking about everything that is going wrong and focusing on "What ifs". Make a commitment to yourself in this present moment to start working towards the things you want. Take Action Now toward your outcomes. Every journey begins with the first step, so take that step NOW. Life is not a dress rehearsal.
Every reality that you have experienced has been the result of your thinking. So check the conversation you are having with yourself. Your first win or loss occurs in your thinking before any action is taken.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When you are truly committed to something, the No Turning Back point is at the beginning.
Some people spend their entire lifetime searching for someone who deserves their love, attention, and nurturing. Look no further, that person is YOU!
It is important for you to be aware today that the game is not over if you did not hit the bullseye the first time. The game is over when you choose not to take another shot at it. As you move forward, you will encounter challenges. That's actually very cool. Embrace the challenges and be grateful for them. If you allow these challenges to be your stopping point, then you have chosen failure. This is your opportunity to change your approach, which will change your results. Okay, so pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward. Success will not be found in checking out and accepting defeat. The success you seek is just one more step away. Go get it!
It is hard to beat a person who never gives up. There is absolutely nothing wrong with falling down in the pursuit of your outcomes, however, if you stay down you cannot affect the score on the scoreboard. Never give up going for the things that you really, really, really want. If the approach you are using is not working, change it. Every time you change your approach you create a new possibility for you to be successful. WAYFO? (What Are You Focused On?)
You will not be defined by the stuff that you have or the stuff you wanted and never acquired. It is really cool to set outcomes to acquire stuff and make it happen, however, the stuff is not you. You will not be remembered for what you got, you will be remembered for what you gave.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I keep telling you to surround yourself with people who will support you. Here are a few suggestions of what to look for: someone who will hold you accountable, someone who does not always agree with you, someone who is trustworthy, and someone who catches you doing things right. Just one more suggestion: be those things to yourself as well.
The only place that work follows success is in the dictionary. So what will you do today to be even more successful? Let's start by creating a positive outcome that you are willing to focus on to create more Unreasonable Possibilities for success. BTW, it is also indeed another Great Day To Be Alive!!!
Do you know what special occasion we are celebrating today? Well, it's "TODAY" and it is an awesome gift. I believe we should first show our gratitude and then the party will begin. Okay, I know you may be dealing with some circumstances, however, please do not send invitations to a pity party.
It is important for us to dream, however, no mere dream will make tomorrow better. The dream is necessary, however, it is insufficient. The dream is a vital step; however, it is only the first step. In order to make the dream a reality, you must wake up. Next, you must have the courage to TAN (Take Action Now) and make your dream a reality.
I heard it said many times during my childhood that money is the root of ALL evil. Well, I have come to realize that is not the truth. What I have learned is money is not the root of ANY evil; the choices we make are the root of all of our outcomes, good or bad. This could be tough; however, I am requesting you repeat after me..."I am Personally Responsible." Oh my, did you feel that? It was a shift in the universe.
People often ask me, "What are those people on?", when they complete our Master Graduate Leadership Program. My response is, "They are on Purpose." Keep the fire burning baby! I am on your team.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Who will you choose to be today to improve your relationships at work and home? I suspect you may still be waiting for them to do something different to improve this situation. Well, how is that working for you? Have the courage to take the first step.
The mind is the decisive factor in your life's experience, however, who decides for the mind? To think negatively is like taking a toxic drug; however, choosing to think positively produces strength, a positive attitude and initiative.
The attitude that you are choosing in this present moment is contagious. Everyone around you is being infected with your attitude. Your team is either focused on embracing your positive attitude or they are focused on overcoming your negative attitude. There is an "i" in team. Yep, you guessed correctly, it's you.
You have been focused on growing personally and you can see and feel the growth, however, others are not yet recognizing your growth. Stay focused and keep moving forward. They will soon be amazed. In fact, let's just go ahead and celebrate the growth you see.
I know to some degree these "Thought of the Day" messages have benefitted you - and here is an opportunity to pay it forward. Enroll team members at work, family, teenagers, vendors, competitors, teachers, pastors... okay, you get the idea. Why the heck would you give them this gift? (Do I really need to answer that?) Now it's time to sign-up as many of them as you can think of. On Your Mark, Get Set... GO!!!!! I am already having a party celebrating your success.
Morning Colton! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Take a look in the mirror. The person you see and the experiences you have had are the results of your choices. The choices you have made are to the things you were the most committed to. That can be an invigorating or scary awareness.
You get to choose to be the flag or the wind. The flag moves in the direction of the strongest energy; in other words, it waits for direction. The wind chooses its direction. Life is never boring, empty, or meaningless when you accept personal responsibility for living. A life on purpose does not happen by accident. It happens by CHOICE.
In this present moment unreasonable possibilities exist. What do you have the capacity to believe? Most people immediately think about how they can get more money or improve their relationships; however, those things are the fruit of accepting a higher calling to "BE" the CEO (Chief Example Officer) for what you say you believe.
I challenge you to take a powerful step today in the direction of the things you really, really want. In order to get something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done. Until you have the courage to risk success and take that leap, you will never know what incredible gifts are available for you. If you never leave the nest, you will never know what it feels like to fly. You've got this, so go for it. Do you hear that? It is me cheering you on!!
Today is the best day in your life to get in the game and play full out. Nothing will be accomplished if every objection must be overcome before you TAN! (Take Action Now!)
When I speak to people about going for what they say they want, I am often told they are waiting for the 'right time'. If you choose to set a positive outcome, make a commitment to yourself to make it happen. Surround yourself with the kind of people who will hold you accountable and support you, and give you heart, body, and soul to achieve the outcome. Then, unexpectedly, the 'right time' becomes NOW! So again, what are you waiting for????
Morning Colton! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
What is one behavior that, if you changed it today, has the potential of changing your life? Look at your daily routines, because the answer to that question is right there. Now that you know, it's time to TAN! (Take Action Now!).
No matter what circumstances or pain you have experienced in your life, you were not born by accident. The miracle and purpose of your existence is in your hands. It will be okay to get this handled before you leave. I'm just sayin'.
A positive attitude creates a chain reaction of positive thoughts. Every day you choose your attitude. Your quality of life will not be determined by what happens to you, rather it will be 100% of how you react or respond to it. I'm just sayin'.
If you continue approaching things the same way you always have, then the future is predictable. Change your approach and surprise yourself. Every time you change your approach you create an opportunity for an 'unreasonable possibility' to emerge. When was the last time you surprised yourself?
Rather than you reading the newspaper or turning on the news to start your day, start by reading something positive. It is predictable that the messages you get from the newspaper and the news will be focused on what's wrong. Start your day by creating the course you will travel, rather than allowing your course to be determined by circumstances.
Now it is party time. Find your favorite, positive, upbeat song and have a morning party. Celebrate the success you know will happen today. It is okay to include the family in your party. If you believe that your outcomes are imminent, then celebrate them now. Starting your day this way will create new possibilities for you every day.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I know you are in a hurry to get this incredible day started so I will be quick. What is the space between 'what if' and 'if only' called? You got it, 'missed opportunity'. Life is not a dress rehearsal, this is your NOW! Create an amazing day!!!
If you want to produce Unreasonable Possibilities to be more successful, you will need to surround yourself with people who will support you. This can be a little scary; however, it is okay to ask for help.
Asking yourself continually, "What else will I do to get to my outcome?" allows you to move through circumstances quickly. Blaming others only serves to keep you stuck. So here we go. Repeat after me, "I am Personally Responsible". Yeah, I know, that can be a tough pill to swallow.
Good Morning! What will you do today to make someone else's day? Be purposeful in your interactions with others, focused on a positive outcome, and watch what happens. Here's the really cool thing; when you make someone else's day, it automatically makes your day! Okay, that was so much fun. Let's do that again tomorrow.
If you want to find the culprit that is producing the reality you are experiencing every second of the day, you need not look far. Check the conversation you are having with yourself, because energy and action follows thought. If you don't like the results, you must change the conversation you are having with yourself.
Focusing on the things that went wrong yesterday creates depression. Focusing on things that could go wrong tomorrow creates anxiety. One of the greatest gifts you have is choice, so choose to focus on this present moment! Give everything you have to making positive memories because whether positive or negative, those memories will live on forever.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Most people spend more time planning a two-week vacation than they spend planning for the rest of their lives. Be aware that this Life is NOT a Dress Rehearsal. What will they say about you when you are gone? Your choices are writing the story of your life.
Have you ever heard of anyone tripping over a mountain? Likely not. I recommend that you focus on being in the moment; those little pebbles can really cause some big circumstances. They might even seem like mountains. I'm just sayin.
If you do not see an abundance of opportunities right NOW, then you need to wipe the smoke off of your lens. Opportunity is right in front of you NOW.
It's the morning again and yes, every day starts with one. Treat this one as if it is the only one you have. Oh my, it is the only one you have in this present moment. Choose to play full out this morning. You will never see this one again.
There will NEVER be a circumstance that can prevent you from getting what you are the most committed to have. All you need to do is choose it. Hold on, stop the presses! You are batting a thousand because you are getting EVERYTHING you are the most committed to. I know that was really a tough message.
Good morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If your behaviors are not producing the success you want at work, at home, with your significant other, with your children or the success you want regarding your health, then it's time to choose some new behaviors. The behaviors you need to be successful are just as available as the behaviors that are not producing what you want. I'm just sayin'.
Today you have another opportunity to create an unreasonable possibility. Who will you choose to be today that gets you closer to realizing your biggest dream? Well, go for it! I am on your team and I am here cheering like crazy. By the way, it will be okay to surround yourself with a few more enthusiastic cheerleaders.
If I am committed to be in the moment and I am focused on the outcome, why is it necessary to navigate through "what ifs"? It is time to TAN baby! (Take Action Now)
You have heard me say, "It is impossible to awaken someone who is pretending to be asleep". Well, my question for you this morning is, "Where in your life are you pretending to be asleep?" Have the courage today to look at everything around you with your eyes wide open. Choose to live your life out loud and see what happens. You might be surprised at all the Unreasonable Possibilities that come into focus for you.
I believe that the definition of love is accepting a person for who they are and for who they are not. Fall in love with yourself today. You are whole and complete. You Matter. You Count.
Good morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Continually asking yourself, "What else will I do to get to my outcome?" allows you to move through circumstances quickly. Blaming others only serves to keep you stuck. So, who will you choose to be today to get to your outcomes?
I agree that you are ONLY one person; however, whatever you do today will matter. So, do something positive. Hmm...enough said.
Failure is the refusal to give up all of that junk from your past that you do not need. The more you focus on that stuff the more it controls the next choice that you make. Okay, this is not a conversation about getting over anything; it is however, a conversation about getting on with it. So move your butt.
Life is a series of thousands of circumstances. Every circumstance is an opportunity. No matter what is happening in your life you can choose to see every circumstance as an opportunity. You can choose to see the positive and know that success is just ahead if you remain FOTO (Focused On The Outcome) and continue to move forward. Have you chosen to see the challenges or the opportunities? What you focus on will expand.
Life is a series of thousands of circumstances. Every circumstance is an opportunity. No matter what is happening in your life you can choose to see every circumstance as an opportunity. You can choose to see the positive and know that success is just ahead if you remain FOTO (Focused On The Outcome) and continue to move forward. Have you chosen to see the challenges or the opportunities? What you focus on will expand.
Each of us has a personal map that was developed by our experiences and what we were taught by others. They didn't know everything; therefore, the highest form of ignorance is to reject something just because it's not on your map. Your map is not the whole territory... it's just your map.
Let's make a commitment to no more pity parties. Step 1: Accept personal responsibility for whatever is going on. I know that can be tough. Step 2: Have the courage to set a positive outcome and, regardless of the circumstance, start moving in a forward positive direction. Yay Yay, that's it! Remain focused on that outcome and move your butt. Now, let's get back to that party and celebrate because "TODAY" is worth celebrating. Hey, let's get up tomorrow and do this again.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Theodore Roosevelt said in his Fireside Motto "It is not the critic who counts, it's not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better - the credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena." Play full out and live your life on purpose and stay focused on your positive outcomes in spite of your critics. Oh, and by the way those critics are some of the best gifts you will ever receive, I'm Just Sayin.
Someone once said, only those who risk going too far will ever know how far they can go. Every one of us occupies the largest room in the house and that is the room for improvement. I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone today. You just might learn that it is "Not Over" until YOU say it is over.
Rather than focusing on all of the things and people in your life that need to change to make you happy - simply choose to be happy. Be aware that happiness is not a thing that lives outside of you; it is a choice you get to make. Oops, there is that Personal Responsibility thing again. Oh and just in case you did not notice, the common denominator in every one of those relationships is you. Ok, it's your move now.
None of us had any control over what we brought into this world; however, we are 100% in control of what we leave the world with as a result of our choices. Oh my goodness, there is that choice lesson again.
Enthusiasm is a form of excitement and it is contagious. As children, we had unbridled enthusiasm, and yet for many, it was slowly defused and bridled as we became adults. It's not too late to recapture the zest for life you had as a child. The only reason we get old is because we forget to play. Today is play day!
It is important to surround yourself with the kind of people who will support you and hold you accountable to play at a higher level. Why set a positive outcome to become an eagle and then surround yourself with chickens? Let's rethink that approach.
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If you continue "right fighting" with yourself and others to prove how weak you are, how ill-equipped you are, or how you can't do something, there is no need to wonder who will win that fight. That future has already been created. Congratulations, you got to be right. How's that working for you?
Love the alarm clock across the room. Make a commitment to yourself that when the alarm goes off, you will get out of bed and stay up. Every time you hit that snooze button you are saying "no thank you" to the new day. Promise yourself that you will never say "no thank you" for the gift of the morning again. BTW, every day starts with a morning. I'm just sayin'.
The only way to affect the score on the scoreboard is to get in the game. It is always too soon to quit. Your victory is just one step away. Remember, our motto is iFOTO (i Focus On The Outcome).
Look around and I know you will agree that change is inevitable; however, growth is optional. Unless you choose to grow, the success you have experienced up until now is dying and decaying. Okay, that is not a pretty picture; time to step up to your next level of growth.
Emotions can help us overcome inertia and ignite us to take action; however, emotions will rarely sustain the action taken. You must identify the benefits of the actions you are taking. Those benefits will help you sustain your focus and commitment to keep moving forward.
A healthy attitude is contagious, so don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. It has been said in many different ways that attitudes are contagious and it is true. Make the choice to infect those around you today with a positive attitude.
Morning Colton! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Take a moment to compare the difference in the negative energy you feel when you are running from something you do not want to the positive energy you feel when you are running to something you want. Set a positive outcome today and focus on what you want. It feels so good. My motto is iFOTO (i Focus On The Outcome).
People who are self-motivated see opportunity where others see obstacles. The opportunities these self-motivated people see motivates others. Be self-motivated. Why not you? Why not now?
Every one of us is an artist. Your thinking creates a sculpture signifying how you lived your life. Take a step back today and look at what you have created so far and determine if you are creating the masterpiece you want to leave with those you care most about.
It is tougher to climb up a mountain than it is to climb down a mountain; however, the best view is generally available after you reach the top. I realize that getting to the top of that mountain can be very tough; however, I also realize how rewarding it can be. Every day of our lives we get to make one of two choices, tough or suffering. My coaching to you is to choose tough, embrace tough, fall in love with taking on tough. When you do, you will create unreasonable possibilities. WAYFO? (What Are You Focused On?)
The moment you totally commit yourself and begin giving 100 percent to what you say you want, a certain momentum develops. Total commitment and accepting personal responsibility results in a certain magical boldness; a boldness that has genius and power that are evident based on the fruit produced by your actions. How sweet is your fruit?
Things no longer own you when you have the courage to detach from them. Everything you fight against weakens you and hinders your ability to see the positive opportunities in the obstacle. What are you holding on to this morning that has passed its expiration date?
Good Morning! Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When you are standing on the sidelines of life the things that you really, really want are not available to you. Unless you choose to get in the game and risk success, your only possession in the end will be woulda, coulda, shoulda. I'm Just Sayin'...
I have observed that there are a larger number of people that are grinning and bearing the pain of compromise than those that are courageous enough to take up arms against the opposition that wants to keep them in the land of pretending.
You can choose to believe anything in the universe that you want... so why not choose to believe in yourself? Every situation that you face in life will reveal the authentic conversation you are in and will reveal your true belief in yourself in that moment. You become either your greatest advocate or your greatest challenge. You have the choice in each of those moments to believe in yourself and trust the potential that you possess. Believing in yourself opens the door for that potential to be realized and creates possibilities that would not have existed otherwise. You matter, you count...
Accepting personal responsibility may mean facing the music, even when you do not like the tune. I encourage you to remain focused on your positive outcome today in the midst of that storm you are going through. That circumstance may be tough; however, it will be rewarding to identify the benefits of focusing on the positive and taking the next step. You are one step away from a brighter day.
When you remain focused on a positive outcome and then remain personally responsible and committed to achieve your positive outcome, there will be no mountain, ocean, negative person, or circumstance that will prevent you from reaching that positive outcome. Wow! I just started the celebration of you making your positive outcome a reality.
The man or woman who is willing to best their best and go beyond excellence is reinventing themselves. Who you "BE" speaks so loud, that others can't even hear what you are saying. Determine those values that are significant to you - honesty, confidence, passion, trust - and make the choice to "BE" that in such a way that every action you take, every step on your journey, is redefined because of you. So who are you???? That is exactly who they will become.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If you spend all day deciding what to do with your life, at the end of the day you will have done it. I'm Just Sayin'...
When faced with a tough circumstance, take a moment to decide what positive outcome you are committed to and then go for it Heart, Body, and Soul. Spending any time worrying about what could go wrong will never benefit you. Focus on what you want and accept personal responsibility to make it happen.
Okay it's Friday, let's finish strong. I didn't mention this at the beginning of the week, however, it is important that we remember this ALL year long. I will not be defined by my yesterdays. Today I begin again. We create what we think about all day, so WAYFO? What are you focused on? Whatever you are focused on is what you are creating.
We spend a lot of time in classrooms learning and gaining knowledge, and that is very important. However, it does not matter if you made straight A's; knowledge is only powerful when it is applied. Knowledge is knowing what to do; wisdom is being on purpose and knowing when to do it.
Never confuse knowledge with wisdom. Knowledge helps you make a living and wisdom helps you make a life. There is a difference between IQ and EQ, and the journey from one to the other is the toughest journey you will ever make. The distance seems short; however, the journey is long. Having the courage to make that 14-inch journey from your head to your heart enables you to experience life from a new perspective. Taking that journey shifts the way you see the world and creates a connection to your relationships that enables you to truly live life on purpose!
You may not believe this; however, there are people out there that are afraid of others' opinions and thoughts. In my opinion, this is the greatest sign of ignorance. If everybody has the same opinion, then somebody is not expressing theirs. It is comfortable, even easy, to live your life on the sidelines, maintaining the status quo and doing what is "reasonable". It is when you step away from the crowd and get in the game that you become distinct, that you begin to push up against the paradigm, and that you dare to be "unreasonable". Ultimately, diversity of thought brings more value. So make the choice to get in the game.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Well, 2023 is going to be the year of you. This will be the most positive, loving, supportive, intimate, connected, enthusiastic, generous, prosperous, and healthy year ever. ALL of it, will happen because of you. Now isn't that the most liberating thought EVER? Game On!
Having an open mind and honesty of character to know when the direction you are traveling needs to change will allow you the flexibility to meet your positive outcome and still move forward. I challenge you today to open your mind to the possibilities.
A lit candle loses absolutely nothing by lighting another candle. Holding on to your gifts and talents has no benefit; give them away. When you give your gifts away, it is a win/win situation. What gift will you give away today?
If your present moment "Doing" and "Being" is the same as your past "Doing" and "Being", then your future "Doing" and "Being" is very predictable. In order to get to your next level you must be willing to change your approach. It is the only way you will create a new possibility to get a different result.
The best way to forget your problems is to help someone else solve theirs. When you give, it always comes back to you. It may not look like what you gave, however, it will come back. Givers Gain.
Each of us reproduces a likeness of ourselves based on our belief system and subsequent behaviors. The behaviors we practice every day create habits, so here is some of my best coaching. Every day practice being positive, self-confident, focused, determined, driven, honest, passionate, enthusiastic, and let's throw in catching people doing things "right". Remember, who you "BE" they will "BE"come.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Let's see how many holidays we can get into this one day. I submit that the best gift that you will ever receive is your life, so Happy Mother's Day to your mom as you Give Thanks to her for the gift of your Birthday. This holiday season give your family the best gift you have received, YOU! Looks like we may have just invented a new holiday. Happy YOU Day.
When was the last time you fell flat on your butt? Well, if it wasn't yesterday, it is time to get out of that comfort zone. What looks like failure is nothing more than a precursor to success, as long as you stay in the game. If you fall down five times, stand up six. By the way, it is okay to surround yourself with a few positive cheerleaders.
Do you really know who you are? Do you really know what you want? Do you really know where you want to go in life? If you answered 'no' like most people, my question to you is if you don't know yourself, why do you expect others to know you at that level? If you answered 'yes', what are you waiting for to go get those things and arrive at that place you want to be?
Some people compare personal growth to a marathon saying things like "It's a journey". That is a someday conversation. Learning and growing is a CHOICE. You get to choose to do it or not in this present moment. I agree that personal growth is a journey, so if you need to compare it to something, let's call it a sprint. It is okay to TAN (Take Action Now)!
Every ceiling, when reached, becomes the foundation to get you to your next level. Celebrate the climb and continue to climb higher. Regardless of your age, the color of your skin, or your position in life, for every individual drawing breath in this world there is one reality... it's not over until you say it's over. And by the way, old dogs learn new tricks every day when they choose to.
I have a very simple, profound thought for you this morning that could make a world of difference for you today. If you choose to focus on the difficulty in every opportunity, you will only see difficulty. If you choose to focus on the opportunity in every circumstance, you will only see opportunity. WAYFO? What Are You Focused On? This is where you get to choose.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When faced with a tough decision, take a moment to decide what you want, then go for it - Heart, Body, and Soul! Worrying about what could go wrong will never benefit you. Focus on what you want and accept personal responsibility to make it happen.
Be sure to read the thought this morning very carefully; this one is REALLY important. We are not victims of circumstance; we are volunteers of circumstance. Every day circumstances occur in our lives, some of which we have absolutely no control over. However, no matter the circumstance, we always maintain control of our choices. Choose well my friend, because reality will be the result.
Max Lucado said, “A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.†It is important to become independent of the opinions of others. This is not a conversation about dismissing what others offer you. This is a conversation about checking their offering against your outcome to determine the value of it.
I know it may be a little early; however, I am really serious about this. Identify something you feel is impossible. I know, I know... nothing is impossible, right? Well, there are still a few things that you really, really want and you have been apprehensive about going after them. Okay, so maybe you don't think it is impossible, however, you are waiting for the right opportunity. Let's declare that this morning, the opportunity has come. You will never know what is beyond your fears unless you break through to the other side. By the way, impossible is nothing. Now, move your butt.
There are over 80 muscles in the human face. The average child under 4 years old laughs over 500 times a day. The average adult laughs only 15 times a day. Most adults take themselves far too seriously. The most effective people on the planet are those who demonstrate enthusiasm. It is time for a few up/downs to exercise those facial muscles; in other words, it is okay to smile often today.
A positive attitude creates a chain reaction of positive thoughts. Every day we choose our attitude. The quality of life is not determined by what happens to us, rather 100% by how we react or respond to it. You can choose any response you want. Why not make it positive?
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I really felt this needed to be said this morning; every one of us has or will experience a few difficult situations in our lives. This is an opportunity for significant positive growth. Take a moment to grieve the loss, and then get your butt back in the game. I am not suggesting that you should get over this situation; I am saying you should get on with living life. You are worth it, and need I remind you that this is not a dress rehearsal?
You will not get much done if you are waiting for something or someone to inspire you to do it. Set a positive outcome and take a step in that direction. Okay, NOW do it again.
As you work toward your outcome, moments may come when you encounter obstacles or challenges. If you allow these obstacles to be your stopping point, you have chosen failure and you have not given your 100% to get to the outcome. This is your opportunity to change your approach; so pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward. Success will not be found in checking out and accepting defeat; however, it could be found just around the next corner.
With every choice you make in life, you are doing one of two things... you are either in the game, leaving footprints in the sands of time or you are leaving butt prints on the sidelines as you "contemplate" getting in the game. "Thinking"... about creating success, about being happy, about getting out of your comfort zone, about living on purpose... is stagnant. Get out of your head, then get into your heart, and make the choice to Take Action Now! If not now... when? You are writing your story with every choice that you make.
Every day we get to make a choice to either get in the game or sit on the sidelines of life. Unfortunately, most people blame the weather, the economy, the color of their skin, their age, and many other things for not taking the risk to succeed. Yes, I said the risk to succeed. Go for it!
Dream about all of the things you want to accomplish in your lifetime; dream big about the difference you want to make in the world. NOW, wake up and make that dream a reality, realizing your dream is just one choice point away.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
A healthy attitude is contagious, however, don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. It has been said in many different ways that attitudes are contagious and it is true. Make the choice to infect those around you today with a positive attitude.
Dead trees are only great for one thing...FIREWOOD. Think of all your self-defeating behaviors and attitudes in the exact same way. Let them burn away from you and watch the positivity flourish. Positive and negative are choices. Why not choose positive?
The best person to compare yourself to is you. Focus on getting to your next level and improving in every aspect of your life. Guess what, someone out there will not get this message and they are comparing themselves to you. Give them something powerful and positive to aspire to become.
During our classes, inevitably someone asks the question, "How does this work in the real world?" My response; the "real world" is nothing more than a manifestation of the conversations we have with ourselves. In other words, you get to decide how it works. Okay, let's be "real", you were already deciding.
Too many people focus on what they are not and undervalue the positive things they are. How you see yourself dictates the energy and actions you are demonstrating in this present moment. Take a look at that fruit; that is the gift you are giving away.
There is a significant price to be paid if you expect to achieve GREATNESS in your professional and personal lives; the price is accepting Personal Responsibility for everything going on in your life.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Anytime you come to what appears to be the end of anything, my coaching to you is to remain positive and keep moving forward. It truly is not the end; it is a new beginning.
When was the last time you focused on building a healthy relationship with yourself? When was the last time you made a promise to yourself to love you more, respect you more, to be more self-confident, to smile more, and be more positive? When was the last time you caught yourself doing something right? The healthier the relationship you have with yourself will determine how healthy your relationship is with others.
As soon as you begin developing plan "B", focused on what you will do after you do not succeed at accomplishing your outcome, you will have created a predictable future. Come on, what is that about? Energy and action follows thought, so take a look at what you are thinking. If you are not committed to plan "A" go back to the drawing board.
When I remain the wind, personally responsible and committed to what I want, then I am the force that moves oceans. I am the force that moves weather systems across the vastness of the earth. I am the gentle force in the trees. I am present in this moment, focused on an outcome, until I achieve.
There is an "I" in team; IT'S YOU!! You matter, you count, and you affect the outcome positively or negatively in every area of your life. Accept personal responsibility today to be positive no matter the circumstance. It's your choice.
Did you know that there are over 80 muscles in your face? It's time to develop a morning workout plan. Let's do this together... up... down... up... down... That's it, you've got it. Now go around the house and office and keep working those muscles. Be the role model and you will see others start doing the same exercises.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Excellence is a standardized assessment that is a socially agreed upon norm. I challenge you to go beyond excellence today and redefine for yourself and others what it means to deliver excellence.
Some people grin and bear it, while others smile and do it. There is a big difference in running from pain and running to gain. Set an outcome and focus on what you want. iFOTO is my Motto.
You will start this day focused on the potential of failure or you will start this day focused on the opportunity for success. Let's be clear that you have NO other options. There is NO neutral. WAYFO? (What Are You Focused On?)
Today will not bring you happiness or sadness. Happiness and sadness are directly connected to your attitude; so therefore, you get to decide ahead of time. It's all about the conversation you are having with yourself in this present moment. Which conversation are you most committed to.
Our motive is not to prove our self-worth; it is to live up to our possibilities. When we live up to our possibilities, we won't question our self-worth because to create those new possibilities we will need to believe in ourselves and the possibility.
When you think of life from the perspective that there is no bad or good, realize that it is all about your judgments. Those judgments that you place on the situation are based on your expectations. When you stop judging, you become powerful, because you will become aware that life only has the meaning you give it.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Life is not a dress rehearsal, so I encourage you to not just exist. Choose to live your life on purpose. Oh, by the way, what does that mean to you?
When you are going through challenging circumstances, this is the worst time to stop. Keep pushing through: you will gain confidence, and you will know you are worth it.
In this moment are you choosing to LIVE or just exist? Every day you can make the choice to be courageous and move forward, being a positive role model no matter the circumstances or you can choose to sit on the sidelines with no real purpose. What is your choice? LIVING or EXISTING? WAYFO? (What Are You Focused On?
Your eyes have been domesticated to see an outward beauty. That outward beauty tells us very little about the person. I submit that true beauty comes from within and can be observed in the heart, passion, enthusiasm, and compassion demonstrated by an individual. Have you told someone lately how beautiful they are? No? Today is the best day to get that done.
I am sure you have heard the saying 'The grass is always greener on the other side'. Well, there is a difference between being committed or interested. When we compare our lives to what is happening on the other side of the fence, it is a comparison to something outside of us and it clearly indicates that we are only interested. When we remain focused on what is happening on our side of the fence, we continually change our approach as we remain committed to get to our greener grass. Hey, here is a thought. If you need a comparison to how well you are doing, look in the mirror. I'm Just Sayin'.
A beautiful new life begins where your comfort zone ends. Do something uncomfortable today. When you do, you will create a new possibility to brighten the smile on your face. Pssst, here is a secret I want to make you aware of - no need to continue waiting on God; He is actually waiting on you. It's time to TAN (Take Action Now).
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
It is a GREAT day to be Alive! Enough said.
True conviction to your values is to have the courage to uphold them whether someone is watching or you are alone.
Have you ever wondered what the world would look like if everyone fought for what they wanted and no one fought against what they did not want? What do you want? Let's make it happen.
Now it is time to spend a few moments meditating and visualizing a positive, successful day. This does not need to take more than five minutes. You must first believe the things you want are possible and you must believe you are worthy of having them. The truth is, you are worthy.
Today you can begin again. Whatever happened yesterday, happened. You do not have to be defined by your yesterdays, because the choice you are making right now is creating your reality in this present moment. Choose well my friend.
Every one of us occupies the largest room in the house and that's the room for improvement. Everyone you meet knows something that you do not. Choose to redefine your personal 100% daily by being willing to learn from others.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I have truly learned that being kind to someone is also being kind to yourself. There is a universal rule that says when you give, it always comes back to you. Catch someone doing something "right" today, rather than focusing on always being "right". You matter!
I submit the best testament to a great leader is one who produces more leaders, not more followers. A true leader is not afraid to share their knowledge.
When a journey begins it is not typically an easy path, trail, or road; it is a messy forest and you need to take a machete and push your way through. Remember you have two choices in life - Tough or Suffering... Choose one.
Why do people who set and remain focused on an outcome succeed in life and people who do not set outcomes fail? Well, it's simple... having an outcome allows your life to happen because of you, not to you. Whatever you want, set an outcome and make it happen NOW! TAN! (Take Action Now!)
The only reason we get old is because we forget to take the time to play. Okay, I understand how busy life can get as we move from one milestone to the next: graduating from high school, then college, getting a job, building a career, getting married and raising children, and then finally retirement. Well, I agree, that will keep you very busy, however, remember to have a little fun along the way. Here is a little tip for you; everything goes to another level when you add enthusiasm. I'm just sayin'.
Life is not what you've been taught, it is what you believe; it is not what you've experienced, it is the choices you've made as a result; it is not about what has happened to you, it is how you've remembered it; it is not what challenges have come your way, it is what you've seen as challenging; and it is not about what has appeared on your path, it is what you have accepted. When we accept personal responsibility for our lives, everything is possible.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
The choices you make create your destiny. Your destiny is not a fixed state of being. Set a positive outcome and continue moving forward, making powerful and positive choices in the direction of your dreams. You can have what you want.
Take time to exercise the 80 muscles in your face. Do some "up-downs". A laugh is never a foreign language to anyone and a smile speaks all languages. It's a GREAT day to be alive!
The next time you hear yourself say something is "unrealistic" be aware that you have just identified your capacity to "believe" in that area of your life. Unrealistic is an assessment you make of something you cannot see. If you really want to see it, you must first believe it... impossible is nothing.
This "Present Moment" creates two very powerful opportunities. The first is to create the future you want by setting a positive outcome you are committed to and making appropriate choices that will create that future. The second powerful opportunity, which will be created as a result of you taking advantage of the first, is you will create a new past that you will be 100% proud of. Reliving the old past will only create a predictable future that you have already experienced. It is okay to let it go and move forward.
One of the greatest qualities of a leader is flexibility - the ability to change your approach, to change your results. Wouldn't it be cool if you faced every circumstance that occurs in your life with that same positive attitude? Why would you do that? I am glad you asked. The reason you would do this is because whatever happened, happened. Now, be positive and go take it on.
I came across something really important and wanted to share it with you. It appears that this personal development thing has some real benefits. Research now shows that an employee's performance will move 30% positively in environments where there is a commitment to personal development and 30% negatively in environments that are not committed to personal development. I know what you are thinking, I had the same thought... this information coming from me is like a nutritionist commenting on the value of healthy eating. Hmmm, you may want to take a look at that.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Purposefully change the way you do one thing today. That is the only way you can possibly surprise yourself and produce an Unreasonable Possibility.
When was the last time somebody made you mad? Ok, that was a trick question. It has never happened; You chose it every time. No sense in continuing that, as you realize no one has ever made you happy either. Yes, if you have ever experienced happiness it is because you chose it.
The only way to change a habit is by practicing a new behavior until it becomes a habit. This will not be accomplished by wishing, hoping or waiting for someone else to do it for you.
If you are holding resentment toward anyone or anything, you are bound to that person or circumstance by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Choose to forgive and get on with living. The investment you are making in resentment will never produce a positive return.
Brand new opportunities are always there for you. So... if opportunity doesn't come knocking at your door, open the door anyway and have the courage to go for what you want. Every journey begins with the first step. Whatever that step or action is... do it NOW!!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I know that you want more; why not much more? Stop attempting to predict when and where it will come from. By doing so you are creating limitations. Just know that it will come. Our plan of action is to be in the moment.
This morning represents the best day to take control of your life and accept 100% personal responsibility to get what you want out of life. Well, that was true yesterday also, so let's get that handled today. Why not you? Why not today?
Wouldn't it be REALLY, REALLY cool to know that everything - I mean absolutely everything - is going to turn out just the way you thought it would? It will! Energy and action follow thought. It is time to check that conversation you are having with yourself. Are you focused on positive or negative?
If you are looking to find yourself, ultimately you are going to be disappointed. Are you looking for the self you used to be or the self you want to become? The self that you used to be will create more of what you have already experienced and that would be playing not to lose. Identify the self you want to become and begin today creating that person.
Individuals are constantly blaming their reality on circumstances produced by something outside of them. The individuals who ultimately get what they want from life are those who look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they create them. There are no victims, only volunteers. Accept personal responsibility to get what you want.
I have some really great news this morning. No matter what has happened up until now, all is well. You have been prepared to be successful no matter what happens today. Be grateful for yesterday because it has been an amazing teacher. Now get focused on your positive outcome and cash in on the past. I feel a celebration about to happen.
Today (Monday) is 20% of your week. The five Mondays this month represent almost 20% of your month. To dread each Monday means you will have four/five "slow days" each month which is equivalent to having nearly two full months of "slow days" each year. Imagine the loss of production and revenue. You can choose to begin again today focused on TGIM (Thank God it's Monday) and - create the conversation focused on what you want.
During my initial call on an executive "one on one" coaching call I was asked what I meant when I said, "I am on your team". I responded that what I am saying is "let us go do this" as opposed to "you go do this".
Go on a RAMPAGE of positivity today. Look for what is right with every person you encounter and everything you experience. OMG, that felt so good, let's do it again tomorrow!
I have a simple little thought to share with you today that will make a big difference. The only people you should ever want to get "even" with are those who have given to you and influenced you in a positive way. So I have some homework for you today. Take a moment to write down just five positive things that have happened to you because of someone else; Now Pay it Forward! Wow, is that a smile on your face? Didn't that feel good?
Get obsessed with thinking, being, and doing positive things. There are 86,400 seconds in every day, no need to waste one of those seconds on thinking, being, or doing negative things. It would absolutely be a waste.
Measuring your wins and losses based on someone else's successes and failures will never be a true test of your potential. Comparing your 100% to another's is either limiting or self-defeating. Make the choice today to best your best in some area of your life. When you do, you will have redefined your 100%. Okay, that was really cool. Let's do that again.
It's party time again! Begin this day with the end in mind. Let's catch a few people doing things right today and celebrate everything that is going right. OMG, this week has been incredible.
Falling in love with the person you see looking back at you in the mirror is not a selfish act. If you do not believe you are worthy of loving yourself, why would anyone else believe you are worthy of love?
Your life is a result of the choices you make. Increase your awareness by realizing that before every choice is what I call a "Choice Point". Once you truly realize this and accept personal responsibility for what you choose in that moment, you will feel the essence of living a life on purpose.
I have observed that when an individual hits rock bottom they feel bad, become emotional, and then resign. I believe that when you hit rock bottom you should celebrate that whatever you were experiencing is over! It is time to refocus on an outcome, change your approach, and begin climbing again. It is not about the destination, it is not about how fast you get there, it's all about the climb.
I submit that the best way to see the world through someone else's eyes is with your ears. Listening to the story others are telling allows us to see what they see. Hearing is etiquette; however, listening is the most effective way to love people the way they want to be loved and to honor them the way they want to be honored. This awareness is my gift to you today. Life is Great.
For true, sustainable success in your life, continually ask yourself, "What else will I do to get to the success I want in my personal and professional relationships?" When you realize an answer, have the courage to make it happen and give up the need to be "right".
Throw your heart into the game and the rest will follow. Life is a game, accept it or not. You can choose to get in the game or sit on the sidelines observing the game. If you choose to get in the game, you can either play not to lose, or you can play to win. I recommend that you choose to play full out, focused on the win-win because life is not a dress rehearsal.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I don't mind telling you, I love my job. In this present moment, is that your truth? If yes, what will you do to get to your next level? If no, what would you be doing if failure was not an option? Life is not a dress rehearsal.
When what you do every day is an expression of your gifts and talents, you will never work another day in your life.
Self-worth cannot be verified by others. You are worthy because you say that it is so. Energy and action follow thought. You create the reality that you operate in based on the conversation you are having with yourself. If you give more value to what others think about you, then you are waiting on the sidelines for their approval, for their assessment, and for their permission to live your life. There is no individual on this earth that can give YOU self-worth. It will only come from you.
Everything that has caused you pain in your life is behind you. Bringing your pain into your present moment gives life to the pain to live another day. The pain is not creating more pain, your choice is. Choose to move forward, live in the moment, and blow up every bridge that leads back to all of the pain. Then move forward.
Have you ever noticed how much anger and negativity is required to fight against things you do not like or want? Be aware that everything produces a likeness of itself. If the seeds you plant are anger and negativity, then that is the fruit that will be produced. Tell me again how that will benefit you or anyone else.
We spend a tremendous amount of time and money looking for answers to what went wrong and whose fault it is. When we focus on what went wrong, the only benefit is that we now know who to blame. And what's the good in that? Don't waste time looking back - change your approach and keep moving forward.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I believe that the greatest wisdom is gained when we are quiet. The answers that you seek are in the silence. It's a little early for such a deep thought, so it's okay to save it until this afternoon.
What is life? Life is an opportunity. How will you take advantage of it today?
There is one answer to every question in the universe, and that answer is YES! If you constantly tell yourself that you can't, you won't. If you constantly tell yourself you can, you will. WAYFO (What Are You Focused On)? What you focus on will expand! Sounds like you have a choice.
Great minds have "will do's", while others have "want to's". One of the factors that make a difference between a purpose and a wish is personal responsibility. Wishing for what you want abdicates that responsibility and leaves it up to someone else to fulfill your wishes. Take those wishes and accept personal responsibility for bringing them to life. Oops, this just got a little scary, didn't it? Yay Yay! Now you are on purpose
There is no finish line. I have heard many people say that when they get the right job, then they will be happy. The right job doesn't bring happiness. Well, when I get married, have children, send my children to college, retire, etc.; none of those events will make you happy. Happiness is something you decide ahead of time. Life is a journey, not a destination. "Not Over"
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Love is a powerful force that can mend your heart or break it into a million pieces. Choose to give love that will mend hearts and choose to receive love that will mold the broken pieces back together again. Choose your words with care!
Have the courage to create an image of the life you want. Visualize it, write a story about it, and continually create a conversation focused on making it a reality. By doing these things, you will help identify the behaviors that will keep you moving forward. You really are worth it.
When it comes to those dreams that you have had about the things you really really want, it will be okay to wake up and make your dreams a reality. In fact, that is the only way it will happen. Enough said.
Here we go again. It's a new day, with new possibilities for you to focus on everything you want during the next 24 hours. In this present moment, two choices are available to you: you can choose to believe that it is possible to accomplish those things you want today or you can believe that it is impossible. Whichever you choose to believe you will create a compelling story to support your belief and 24 hours from now you will get to be "right" again. Congratulations!
When an individual has the courage to take a stand, the spines of others are stiffened. It is not the critic who counts; nor is it the person who points out how the doer of courageous deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the person who has the courage to "get in the game" and give it heart, body, and soul, focused on a positive outcome for themselves and others. Take a stand for what you want today. You are worth it.
Your smile is one of the sources of your joy and if you choose to share it today, it will create joy in those around you. There are over 80 muscles in the human face and it is the largest area of unemployment. Smile and laugh today. Notice the change in your attitude, as well as the attitude of those around you, creating unreasonable positive possibilities for yourself and others.
Life's blows may bruise you, however, they will not break you if you keep moving forward, focused on a positive outcome. Get up now and move your butt. You are, without a doubt, greater than anything that has happened to you. Remain focused forward on a positive outcome; you are worth it. Psssssst... I have a little secret I want to share with you. Moving forward is not going to work if you have not set a positive outcome focused on what you want.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
It's okay if your team doesn't ALL sing in the same pitch. It is important, however, that they are singing the same song because a vision-empowered team is self-motivated.
I want to let you in on something that is TOP SECRET... there is a conspiracy going on and it is focused on your success. You have likely heard it said that everything happens for a reason. Guess what? It's true. Now it is up to YOU to find your reason and then Take Action Now!
Willingness to take the first step to make your dream come true is essential. I bet you are saying you don't know what the first step is. Well, I suggest that the first step is believing you are worthy to have your dream come true. Okay, so repeat after me, "I am Worthy!"
We are going to need a strategy to get to those outcomes that we set for 2022. Okay, I've got it. "Be in the Moment ." Make a commitment to remain focused on the outcome; it is predictable that apprehension will crash your party. Let's get that 'I am Personally Responsible' gift out and apply it here. The only place apprehension resides is in the conversation you are having with yourself. Stand up to your fears; you will find that they are not as strong as you thought they were. You've got this, so move your butt.
It is the morning again and if you look at the scoreboard it shows zero/zero. In other words, whatever happened yesterday will only affect today if you allow it to. What positive outcomes will you focus on today?
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I challenge you to take a powerful step today in the direction of the things you really, really want. In order to get something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done. Until you have the courage to risk success and take that leap, you will never know what incredible gifts are available to you. If you never leave the nest, you will never know what it feels like to fly. You've got this, so go for it. Do you hear that? It is me cheering you on!!
The door to your potential is right in front of you. The only way to realize that potential is to get in the game. It really does not require much effort to hang out on the sidelines. Why wouldn't you get in the game? Why not NOW? It is game time baby. Play Full Out.
Is not absent of fear. Courage is acknowledging the fear, remaining focused on your outcome, and continuing to move forward. By the way, if your dreams are not scaring you, then they are too small.
Have patience with yourself today in all things. Never judge how well you are doing based on someone else and never confuse your shortcomings or mistakes with your value as a human being. My coaching to you this morning is to focus on besting your best. Your worth is not defined by other people's performance or expectations.
I challenge you to take a powerful step today in the direction of the things you really, really want. In order to get something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done. Until you have the courage to risk success and take that leap, you will never know what incredible gifts are available to you. If you never leave the nest, you will never know what it feels like to fly. You've got this, so go for it. Do you hear that? It is me cheering you on!!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I have truly learned that being kind to someone is also being kind to yourself. There is a universal rule that says when you give, it always comes back to you. Catch someone doing something "right" today, rather than focusing on always being "right". You matter!
Asking yourself continually, "What else will I do to get to my outcome?" allows you to move through problems quickly. Blaming others only serves to keep you stuck.
It is better to be respected than liked. Effective leaders understand that there are times when tough decisions will need to be made and they choose to make them while remaining focused on a positive outcome.
When you don't respect yourself it will slowly kill your spirit. Have the courage to be honest with yourself and go after the things that you want. Those things are available in this present moment.
When a journey begins it is not typically an easy path, trail, or road; it is a messy forest and you need to take a machete and push your way through. Remember you have two choices in life - Tough or Suffering... Choose one.
Why do people who set and remain focused on an outcome succeed in life and people who do not set outcomes fail? Well, it's simple... having an outcome allows your life to happen because of you, not to you. Whatever you want, set an outcome and make it happen NOW! TAN! (Take Action Now!)
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
The only reason we get old is that we forget to take the time to play. Okay, I understand how busy life can get as we move from one milestone to the next: graduating from high school, then college, getting a job, building a career, getting married and raising children, and then finally retirement. Well, I agree, that will keep you very busy, however, remember to have a little fun along the way. Here is a little tip for you; everything goes to another level when you add enthusiasm. I'm just sayin'.
Never settle for "Goodnuff". Greatness is available to you when you have the courage to get up one more time.
Whatever happened yesterday... happened. Whatever could possibly happen tomorrow... could happen. Whatever will happen today will only happen as a result of the choices you make. What will you choose to make happen today?
The choices you make create your destiny. Your destiny is not a fixed state of being. Set a positive outcome and continue moving forward, making powerful and positive choices in the direction of your dreams. You can have what you want.
Take time to exercise the 80 muscles in your face. Do some "up-downs". A laugh is never a foreign language to anyone and a smile speaks all languages. It's a GREAT day to be alive!
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. Holding on to your gifts and talents has no benefit - give them away. When you give your gifts away, it is a win/win situation.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If you choose to play at a high level in your life and go for the things you really want, you will need to be independent of the opinions of others because they cannot see what you see from your perspective. Have the courage to take that step anyway and I promise that when you take that step, the crowd will thin out. Okay, time to celebrate.
It is not necessary to make them wrong in order for you to be right. Are you tracking??
What are you clinging to from your past that is preventing you from moving forward? When you open your grip and let that slip away, what you are really doing is allowing room for something brand new to occur in your life. Okay, let's do that today.
Every day you are on this earth, you have two options with how to live that day. You can either make the choice to get in the game and have the courage to get out on those skinny branches to reap the sweetest fruit or you can sit on the sidelines, stuck within your comfort zone, waiting to die. Living a life on purpose requires you to identify an outcome or purpose that you are focused on. Then, you must have the courage to play full out. The adventure is before you and the choice is ultimately yours. You are worthy of that sweet fruit.
Can you imagine what it would be like to approach everything today with the enthusiasm of a child, treating everything as if you are experiencing it for the first time? Well, if you can imagine it, it is possible to make it happen.
It is important to surround yourself with the kind of people who will support you and hold you accountable to play at a higher level and remain focused on your outcome. Why would you set a positive outcome to become an eagle and then surround yourself with chickens? Let's rethink that approach because the predictable future is you becoming a chicken.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
The attitude that you are choosing in this present moment is contagious. Everyone around you is being infected with your attitude. Your team is either focused on embracing your positive attitude or they are focused on overcoming your negative attitude. There is an "i" in team. Yep, you guessed correctly, it's you.
You will not be defined by the stuff that you have or the stuff you wanted and never acquired. It's really cool to set outcomes to acquire stuff and make it happen, however, the stuff is not you. You will not be remembered for what you got, you will be remembered for what you gave. Givers Gain. Life is Great!!
I am experiencing the most powerful love ever right now. My prayer is that you too will experience this amazing, unconditional love. Okay, I will let you in on my secret. In order to get it, you have to give it.
Our thoughts are a series of short stories that we tell ourselves over and over. Those stories have the same endings, or maybe it is better stated by saying they create the same predictable futures. In order to change the predictable future, we must change our stories. Check the Conversation.
If you really want to live a purposeful life, make iFOTO your motto. iFOTO means, "I Focus on the Outcome". The only way to know the choices you are making every day are purposeful is to know what your outcome is that is driving those choices. Make life happen because of you.
In this present moment I strongly encourage you to destroy, crush, and kill every fear you encounter in others and in yourself. Fear is a gift provided to you for the sole purpose of building your courage muscle. Build some big courage muscles today. Focus on unreasonable, positive possibilities.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Most people spend more time planning a two-week vacation than they spend planning for the rest of their lives. Be aware that this Life is NOT a Dress Rehearsal. What will they say about you when you are gone? Your choices are writing the story of your life. My coaching to you is to write a best seller.
In order to reinvent yourself, you will need to reinvent your thinking. Energy and action follow thought. Examine your thinking today and shoot me an email tonight to see if your thoughts were more positive or negative. This will require you to be 100% honest with yourself; denial will only prevent you from getting to your next level.
Do something unique today and surprise yourself. Rather than waiting for "someday", choose it for yourself today. Wondering what you could do that would be unique? Well, any positive thing outside your comfort zone and focused on a win-win will do. I would love to hear how this turns out.
I challenge you to transform something negative into something positive today. When you do, in that moment, you will have invented a new future. Now, if you choose to continue practicing this every day, you will become an inventor. How cool is that? Life is Great!!
All of the behaviors that you demonstrate every day that you can observe are "choice points". The behaviors that are invisible to you are habits. The only way you will become aware of those habitual behaviors is by listening to the people around you, not just hearing them.
This journey that you have embarked on, focused on creating a positive future for yourself and others, will be exciting and challenging. There is NO need to drag any excessive negative baggage on your trip because it will not benefit you. I promise that you will smile a lot more if you choose to leave it behind. I'm just sayin'.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
True conviction about your values is having the courage to be authentically who you choose to be no matter whom you are with.
Vulnerability is not synonymous with weakness. Play full out in your relationships today.
Storms will rage all around you. It is your choice as to whether they rage inside of you. Turmoil, frustration, disappointment, fear; the only place these exist is in the conversation you are having with yourself. You are in control of that conversation. Despite what is going on around you, you can make the choice to create a conversation focused on what you want rather than what you don't want. You may not be able to prevent the storms from occurring all around you; however, you can choose to be calm in the midst of them.
Rather than using "I'm not perfect" as an excuse, realize it is a gift. Imperfection just admits that we all occupy the largest room in the house, and that is the room for improvement. Celebrate your imperfections and commit to focus on besting your best every day. Life is Great!
One of the most useless words ever is "Someday". Someday I will be a better boss, or Someday I will be a better team member. Someday I will be a better partner, parent or friend. Someday I will take the risk to play full out. Well Someday is Today, because Today is the best day in your life to make it happen. More tonight on Happy Hour.
In the end, it's not the number of years you were alive that will count. What will count is the amount of life in those years. Life is not a dress rehearsal, and as far as we know, this is the only moment we have. Live each moment of life with enthusiasm, passion, and conviction. Find a way every day to catch people doing things right. Make some positive memories today!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
It's "Not Over". There are NO problems, just opportunities. Today I begin again.
When you are truly inspired by your vision and purpose, there is no need for external motivation. Who are you? Why are you here?
What you fight against weakens you. You have a choice to be independent of the opinions of others. Accept the fact that they are entitled to their opinion, just as you are entitled to yours. The energy you waste making them wrong will never benefit you in a positive way. The only benefit you will receive is you will get to be "right".
It is better to be respected than liked. When you are an effective leader, you make the tough decisions that have to be made at times. Each decision you make is focused on a positive outcome and moving forward. Leaders TAN (Take Action Now)!
Notice today how often you make someone wrong so that you can be right. What's the benefit in that? They don't have to be wrong for you to be right. This now creates a win/win instead of a win/lose. Be the Game Changer by choosing to accept people for who they choose to be!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If you are unable to find peace within yourself, it is useless to search for it through someone or something outside of you.
Think about what you really, really, really want. Guess what? You can have it all.
If you want to find the culprit that is producing the reality you are experiencing right now, you need not look far. Yes, you guessed correctly; it is you. Check the conversation you are having with yourself because energy and action follow thought. If you don't like the results that conversation is producing, you must change the conversation in order to change the results.
I'm sure you will agree that no one can live your life for you. And yet, so often, we let others control our life by making choices that will please them, allow them to feel safe, or make them look good. Why would you do this? How will it benefit you in a positive way? I would really like to hear the conversation you are having with yourself regarding this.
Everything you fight against weakens you. Failure is the refusal to give up what you do not need. Meet people where they are and acknowledge their position. They will be more open to hearing your position at that point. It really is not necessary to make others' positions or beliefs wrong in order for you to be right.
If we categorize life as a game, my question for you today is: are you winning? How do you know? Who is your opponent? I was just wondering and would love to hear your responses.
If you contextualized peace as living a purposeful life which clearly demonstrates that, you would realize how much your choices and actions matter each day. How much peace would you have today? Ok, it is time to go to your next level, because it is "Not Over".
I assure you that there is an "i" in team. IT'S YOU!! In every relationship you are in, you matter, you count, and you will affect the outcome of the relationship either positively or negatively. Accept personal responsibility today to create positivity in every one of your relationships. Life is Great!!
There is no need to give 110% today; just continue to redefine your 100% by going beyond the established norms for excellence and besting your best. If you are giving the same 100% every day, then you are just doing goodnuf.
When you make positive declarations or affirmations with passion and are focused on what you want, you will trigger energy and action that will help you move your butt. This may seem like a simplistic solution to some complex circumstances; however, it works.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Every time I say this, it sounds insane; however, I realize that the insanity is in the sanity. OK, here goes, "Pain is a gift". I didn't lose you, did I?
What is life? Life is beautiful. How will you praise it today?
You can step boldly into the choices and decisions available to you today or you can take baby steps. Baby steps are an indication that you are not truly committed. So stop, make a choice regarding what you are committed to, and now boldly go for it.
If your outcome is to be more loving, then create a compelling story about what being more loving means to you. The story will create energy and actions, or a body of work, that will manifest that outcome. I am sure it is clearer to you why you are going to want to 'Check the Conversation.'
I believe that "I AM" are two of the most powerful words on the planet because there is no history attached to them. "I was" has history, "I can" is a statement of potential, and "I'm going to" is a someday conversation. "I AM" is NOW and this is your NOW. So, who are you?
I often tell my children, "Do something special today." I define special for them as something they would not normally do that would positively affect an environment or relationship they are in. Something special generally redefines what is possible; it gives people greater hope. Something special generally makes someone's day. So make a commitment to yourself in this present moment that you will do something special today. Life is Great!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
There is a universal rule that says when you give, it always comes back to you. It may not look like what you gave; however, it always comes back to you. Remember, Givers Gain.
Being mature is the art of letting go of the things that occur in our lives and accepting the lessons that we were taught. The only way to get to the wisdom of the lessons learned is to release what happened. It is time to get on with it my friend.
All of the experiences you have had, created your personal MAP. As you navigate your way through the circumstances of life, if you continually run into familiar landmarks and experience the same scenery, the future is predictable. In order to best your best, you will need a bigger MAP. I'm just sayin'.
Have you noticed how even the simplest act of kindness puts a warm feeling in your heart? Me too. Turn up the heat in your heart today because Givers Gain. Catch someone doing something right today!
I have truly learned that living a happy, joy-filled, purposeful life has little to do with "Doing" and a lot to do with "Being". It will take courage to "Be" a risk-taker and play full out to live a purposeful life. You will likely be very disappointed in the end about the risks you did not take.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
In order to be an outstanding leader, you will need to appeal to the hearts of the members of your TEAM at work and at home, not their minds. The toughest journey we will ever make is just 14 inches; it is the trip from your head to your heart. Until you have the courage to make that journey, you will never inspire yourself or those around you to lead from the heart.
If you really connect to this message this morning, you will become aware that you never have to get angry ever again. Anger is ALWAYS a secondary emotion. Therefore, if you have the courage to address what needs to be addressed in the moment, you will speed up the transaction and then...no more anger.
Did you know that there are over 80 muscles in your face? It's time to develop a morning workout plan. Let's do this facial exercise together: ... up... down... up... down... That's it, you've got it! Now, go around the house and office and keep working those muscles. Be the role model and you will see others start doing the same exercise.
A positive attitude creates a chain reaction of positive thoughts. Every day you get to choose your attitude. Your quality of life will not be determined by the circumstances you experience today, rather 100% of your realities will be the result of how you react or respond to those circumstances. I'm just sayin'.
Who will you choose to be today to improve your relationships at work and home? I suspect you may still be waiting for the other person to do something different to improve the relationship. Well, how is that working for you? Have the courage to be a "Game Changer. Take the first step.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When you understand that there are many different ways to look at everything, you will become aware that every time you choose to look at the same thing from different perspectives, you will see something different. How cool is that?
Today I am going to let you in on a little secret... Shhhh. Control is an illusion. If you focus on controlling a particular situation or person, you will never enjoy the beauty of simply "being" with them. So, instead of seeking to control things, start being in and enjoying each moment.
Failure is the refusal to give up all of that junk from your past that you do not need. The more you focus on that stuff, the more it controls the next choice that you make. OK, this is not a conversation about getting over anything; it is, however, a conversation about getting on with it. So move your butt toward the positive stuff that you want.
It's the morning again and yes, every day starts with a morning. Treat this morning as if it is the only one you have. Oh my, it is the only morning you have in this present moment. Choose to play full out this morning; you will never see this one again. Life is Great!!
If common sense is so common, then why is it so rare? There are very few facts; however, there is a ton of common sense and personal interpretations. If you continue to hold on to your common sense and interpretations as if they are facts, I predict that you are experiencing conflict in your relationships. If you continue to do that, the only benefit you will receive is when all has been said and done, you will get to be right. How is that working for you?
I have heard many people say that when they get the right job they will be happy. When they get married, have children, send their children to college, retire, they will be happy. None of those events will make you happy. Happiness will happen because of you and not to you. Life is a journey, not a destination. I suggest you live in the moment. In other words, choose to be happy right now. Life is Great!!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
It is a Great Day to Be Alive. It does not matter what the weather is outside this morning, a bright sunny day is a way of "being". Be the sunny day in your life today and brighten someone else's day as well. Life is Great!!
Being 100% honest with yourself will allow you to authenticate what is real for you. Most adults will not be true to themselves if it means they may look bad in the eyes of others. I encourage you to focus on becoming independent of the opinions of others and be true to yourself.
I cannot believe I am saying this out loud; however, there is a huge benefit if you really connect to the message. Okay, here goes, "Rules are for unaware people." What I mean is, if you are living a normal, boring, predictable life, I suggest that your new rule is to break a few rules. Besting your best may require you to color outside the lines and take a few risks. If you have the courage to take this on, you may find that a brand new possibility to recreate excellence just might occur.
Accepting personal responsibility is not saying "my bad" after something doesn't work out. When you truly accept personal responsibility for the outcome, you will never say "my bad" again.
I have a challenge for you this morning. Go out and catch five (5) people doing something right today. Okay, well you really only need to find four (4) people because I recommend that you start by catching yourself doing something right today. This is going to be fun.
It does not matter in this moment what has happened to you. Whatever happened is history. The awareness I offer you this morning is, if you remain focused on what happened, it will become your future. Whatever you focus on will continually expand for you. With that awareness, I encourage you to focus on what you want. Life is Great!!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
It is better to be respected than liked. Effective leaders understand that there are times when tough decisions will need to be made and they choose to make them while remaining focused on a positive outcome. Life is Great!!
It is the morning again. Now, that is worthy of a celebration! Let's get this party started. Life is Great!!
Focusing on the things that went wrong yesterday creates depression. Focusing on things that could go wrong tomorrow creates anxiety. The greatest gift that you have is choice, so choose to focus on this present moment! Give everything you have to making positive memories in this moment that will produce a likeness of itself.
You get to choose to be the flag or the wind. The flag is passive and moves in the direction of the strongest energy, in other words, it waits for direction; the wind chooses. A life on purpose is never boring, empty, or meaningless. A life on purpose is a CHOICE. Choose it today and play full out.
Having positive thoughts is not the end game. I encourage you to keep moving forward and execute on those positive thoughts in order to produce positive actions, which in turn will produce a positive reality.
It is possible for you to be the "Game Changer" in every professional and personal relationship you have. This will require you to be aware of a few things: take nothing personal, accept personal responsibility to get what you want from the relationship, never sell or buy tickets to a pity party, focus on the positive, and be flexible. Good Morning, "Game Changer".
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
A high-performing team is a group of extraordinary people operating in an ordinary world. They are outcome-focused and unfazed by circumstances. In fact, they celebrate circumstances because the circumstance allows them the opportunity to produce ridiculously, unreasonably positive results. How does your team compare?
When you look at the world as an observer, it is clear how others are behaving and what they need to do for things to improve. When you look at the world as the observed, it is clear what you need to do for things to improve. I feel a change coming on.
Sometimes it is tough to ask for what you want; however, the only way to get it is to have the courage to ask. When you do not ask, you end up in resignation, feeling like a victim, and not getting your needs met. Make a request today that will create a new possibility for you and others that brings you closer to your outcome. If it does not work out the way you wanted it to, change your approach. You just might be looking in the wrong place. I'm just sayin'.
I am not sure who said, "Good things come to those who wait"; however, I have learned that great things happen for those who lose "wait". The things that you really, really want are waiting for you to have the courage to go make it happen. What exactly are you waiting for?
It has been said that "money is the root of all evil". I absolutely disagree with that belief. I believe that how we choose to use money is the root of all evil. When you spend your money growing as a person from the inside out, you will experience more joy and success, not evil.
Before I left my house this morning, I found several things I was grateful for. I am grateful to awaken this morning. I am grateful for the roof over my head. I am grateful for the love of my life. I am grateful for great health. I am grateful for the food I ate. I am grateful for the sunrise. I am grateful that this list could go on and on. Please remember to take a moment today to just say THANK YOU!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
How would you see me today if you were not taught to see me? How would you hear me if you were not taught to hear me? So much of how you view the world is through the eyes of others. Some of you will deny this truth. I would love to hear your thoughts.
When you are truly living life outside of your comfort zone, FEAR will show up from time to time. When FEAR shows up, my coaching to you is to acknowledge it and remain focused on your outcome until the fear is defeated. Please be aware that having the courage to break through your fears will never happen if you pretend the fear does not exist. You are a warrior, and the only way to get stronger is to feel the fear, stay focused on your positive outcome, and keep moving forward.
After observing the way most people live their lives, I suspect there are a large number of them that are asking, "what if?" and proclaiming, "if only". I encourage you to live like you were dying. Have the courage to go for the sweetest fruit available, crush those fears and Play Full Out.
I want to invite you to use one of my most successful tools. Whenever self-doubt creeps in, I say this affirmation with passion, "I am brave enough to risk success and I am unified both within myself and with those to whom I choose to give my love." You feel better already, don't you?
I believe that we all deserve a period of time to grieve any loss we may experience in our lives. I also believe that there comes a time that we need to "get on with it". This is not a conversation about getting over anything, as for some of us, the loss is so great it may never happen. However, I remind you that life is not a dress rehearsal. This Wednesday is the best day in your life to "get on with it".
I challenge you to find the YES in everything you do today. Every time you say NO there is a YES. The answer to every question is YES. It just depends on what you are focused on.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
The only way to understand your life, is to live it backwards and to live it purposefully, and to live it with the faith to boldly move forward. Sometimes, understanding may never be realized.
Great News! I found the cure for being negative; It's called CHOICE. Give yourself permission to choose that cure without any limitations. Life is Great!
The greatest feeling of loneliness we experience is the result of a lack of a healthy relationship with ourselves. Have you told yourself lately that you love you? It's going to be difficult to love someone else until you get that handled.
Today will not bring you happiness or sadness; it will however, bring you circumstances and challenges. How you assess those situations will determine your happiness and sadness today. I realize how tough it is to accept that level of personal responsibility, however, I also realize that it will give you the ability to choose happiness more often.
As I examined all of the things I have accomplished in my life, I became aware that the most important things that were always present and always instrumental in my ultimate success were self-confidence and self-worth. They are both gifts available to you right now. You can also use that other gift available to you right now; Choice. Yes, you are getting it, aren't you?
Happiness is a gift that you can choose every day. The world cannot take it from you, the government cannot tax it and there is NO limitation on how much of it you can have today. Choose to be happy today.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If you tell me what gets your attention and what you spend your life's currency on, you will clearly be introduced to your authentic self. Who you "Be" speaks louder than what you say.
What is life? Life is a song. How will you sing it today?
Quite often when I am coaching a person about setting a positive outcome, they feel that in order to move forward they need to unlearn old behaviors. Not true. Practicing new behaviors will accomplish the same thing.
Set a positive outcome today that will produce something that you want. Once you do, I want you to write down the top 5 benefits you will gain from reaching that outcome. Allow those benefits to drive you, motivate you, and inspire you to go for it.
A commitment to a specific outcome leads to the "right" actions. The only way to truly know the appropriateness of your actions is to know your outcome. Frequently ask yourself, "WAYFO? (What Are You Focused On?)"
If you had to select 5 words to describe yourself, what would they be? I invite you to email them to me (mikej@discoverleadership.com) today and copy yourself on the email. I want you to be aware that words create pictures, pictures create emotion; energy and action follow thought.
It is not selfish to have a REALLY big, bold, and unreasonably positive dream. It is selfish not to do so.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Saying "I love you" every day to the people in your life is not as valuable as showing how much you love them.
You have no control of what others say about you; however, you have 100% control of what they say to you. You have the power to put a stop to negative, poisonous stories about others and be committed not to allow that negativity to move through you into the world.
Why proclaim what you would die for if your life was on the line? The better question is what are you willing to live for when there is no threat, injustice, or war? Making the choice to live a positive, outcome-focused, purposeful life, and step away from the crowd is risky. You cannot open yourself to new insights, new possibilities, or new awakenings without endangering the security of your comfort zone. When you take bold steps forward, away from the crowd, you will risk disapproval and rejection from those who will not choose the courage necessary to accept personal responsibility to live a positive, purposeful life.
When we tell people what not to do or what we don't want, we are literally leading them backwards. When we tell them what to do and what we want from them, we lead them forward. You will speed up the process and have more success when you lead forward. Make a commitment to do it today.
Think about how uniquely amazing you would be if you used ALL of the energy, focus, commitment, drive, and determination you spend on others liking and accepting you, on just being you and liking you.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When was the last time you made the choice to have fun without alcohol? Do something fun today. Too many people take life far too seriously.
Today, be positive. Enough said.
Make yourself on a date today and invest in the relationship that you have with yourself. The healthier that relationship is the healthier all of your relationships will be. Do something special on your date and make a positive memory!
Every day for the past 30 years of my life, I have made the choice to change the world by choosing to change the one thing I have 100% control of; myself. Join my party this morning. Today, I begin again.
You may be a product of what happened in your past; however, you do not have to allow that to determine what you will become in your future.
When we accept personal responsibility to make sure that those we are communicating with understand what we are communicating and that we understand what others are communicating to us, we build trust and respect in the relationship. I always ask, "Why is there never enough time to do things right the first time; however, there is always time to do it all over again?"
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
The opportunity to go for what you want is NOW. Don't die waiting for the right time to get around to it.
You may be a product of what happened in your past; however, you do not have to allow that to determine what you will become in your future.
Holding on to something that was good for you yesterday will prevent you from receiving what is better for you today. Everything in your life has the potential to be better today.
A magnificent shift in the universe occurs every time one person commits to be more positive, accepts more personal responsibility, and becomes the one person in their relationships committed to improve the relationship. Today is your day. No need for something to be wrong to make this happen. The world could be a better place today because of you.
No matter what has happened in your life, no matter what you have accomplished, there is a better version of you waiting to be discovered. Growing personally is available in this present moment.
Once you make the choice to deliberately replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts, you will produce positive results. Choose to produce positive results today!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
How would your life be different today if you....................?
If you change the way you look at the world, then the world you are looking at will change.
If you live off the compliments of people, then you will die by their criticism. Accept personal responsibility to reinvent yourself, not because there is something wrong, but because you are worth it and so is every one that potentially views you as a role model.
In this present moment EVERYTHING has changed from the previous moment you just experienced. Much of that change is invisible to your eyes; however, it is occurring. My coaching to you is to embrace change. Welcome it into your life every day because change is inevitable; however, growth from that change is optional.
You deserve a life that's full and rich and overflowing with beautiful, meaningful experiences. Today, on this very day, you have the power, permission, and purpose to begin making your biggest dreams come true. You do indeed have the power to make your life anything you choose. Now has arrived and is ready to be filled with your dreams.
Commit today to let go of the excuses, no matter how reasonable they might sound. Remind yourself that there's something positive and meaningful you can do right now to make your dreams a reality. Then get yourself busy doing it.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If you are always focused on fitting in and being normal, you will never become aware of how amazing you are. Step away from the crowd today and discover how amazing you can be.
When life presents you with a challenge, take it. Then celebrate the opportunity to authenticate your commitment, passion, and enthusiasm to live life full out.
If you've been waiting to bring your dreams to life, then I have great news for you. Today is the day you've been waiting for because this is the day when you can truly begin to turn your dreams into reality.
If you are waiting for someone in your personal or professional life to change in order for that relationship to improve, it may never happen. If you are waiting for the right time to make a significant change in your life, that right time may never come. The time to choose happiness is NOW. Everyone will benefit when you do.
I have observed in many situations that when work is done in a fun way, more work gets done. It will be okay to stop taking everything SO serious.
Make a commitment to yourself today to be the best you that you have ever been. Not because there is something wrong; well, actually there is something wrong. That best you is ready to be exposed
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Be aware that ALL of the enthusiasm you need to approach everything in your life can be created by the conversation you are having with yourself. Having a zest for life, your job, and your relationships will create positive outcomes, and it is contagious.
You will never know what great things you can do if you never take the risk to go for it. Let's get that first step handled today.
Close your eyes and create the image of the life you want in your mind. You are worthy of that life, so open your eyes and make the image your reality.
For every no, there is a yes. For every negative, there is a positive. I encourage you to search for your yes and your positive. I assure you they exist in everything you are doing.
The great secret to getting everything you want out of life, is to believe you can. Okay, that was the first step; now have the courage to take the next step.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
There is absolute abundance in this world. There is no need for you to take anything from anyone; create your own.
When you embrace a "play full out" attitude and focus on positive outcomes, you will do incredible things.
I believe that it is possible to be positive ALL of the time. I believe that we are always at choice regarding positive and negative, and since they both are always present and I can choose, why would I ever choose negative? I would like to add that sadness and negative are two completely different things.
There is positive and negative in everything. One of them cannot exist without the other because they are always in comparison to each other.
It really is not necessary to make others wrong for you to be right. There are very few facts; however, there are a tremendous amount of interpretations. Your truth is just your truth. Others have a right to their own truth.
I submit one of the greatest gifts we have been given is the gift of choice. You can choose to believe anything you want to believe, and it becomes your truth.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Be deliberate each day in taking at least one step toward your outcomes. Every day you will get closer, and before you know it, you are there. Make the journey to your outcomes a deliberate journey!
It is action that will change the world, not dreams. However, I encourage you to dream dreams and then wake up to make those dreams a reality. Make your actions positive.
Your intentions may be good; however, without action they are meaningless. Now is the time to TAN (Take Action Now)!
Happiness is not something to acquire; it is something to BE. Happiness is an inside job and it is a choice.
If something is not going your way, now is not the time to throw in the towel. Now is the time to change your approach and keep moving forward, because if you throw in the towel, you will never get to your outcome. Keep moving forward.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
You can't expect to be positive if you keep negative people around you. Start surrounding yourself with positive people and see the positive changes begin to appear.
Just because you may think you do not sing and dance well based on your comparison to someone else, doesn't mean you shouldn't sing and dance. I encourage you to sing and dance today and have fun doing it. I promise it will make you feel good, and oh my goodness, look at that smile on your face.
Your outcome should not be to live forever, because none of us will; your outcome should be to know that your choices will have an impact on your world that will live forever. What are you doing today to impact your world in a positive way and make each moment count?
If you continue looking back at the historical stuff that happened yesterday, you will miss the opportunity to be the creator of what is happening right now. My tip for you today is to FOTO (focus on the outcome) and BE IN THE MOMENT.
As far as we know, this is our one shot on this earth to play full out and go for everything that we want. Life is not a dress rehearsal. So, why not risk success in everything that you do?
You cannot know happiness without experiencing sadness. You cannot realize what is positive if you have never experienced negative. If you have never experienced failure, you may not fully appreciate and understand success. There really is nothing wrong; it's ALL good.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If being enthusiastic about your life and demonstrating that enthusiasm means you must stand alone, then stand alone. Be the Game Changer.
Life isn't about avoiding the storms, because I believe the gift is in the storm. I hope you choose to dance today, even in the midst of the storm.
Are you stressed out? Whatever the issue is that is creating the stress, treat it like a mosquito; kill it before it sucks the life out of you. By the way, it is not another person that is creating that stress, it is the conversation you are having about them or their behavior that is creating the stress.
You can either deliberately do the things that will produce the results you say you want in each moment, or you can live in regret that you didn't choose to do them. Your greatest opportunity in each moment is the choice between the two.
You will never regret the things that you have done as much as the things you didn't do when you had the chance to do them. Many people will lie on their death beds and wonder, "What if?" Play FULL out today.
One of the most important things in life you can never recover, replace, or do over is the moment. Whatever opportunities are available to you in the moment to live a positive, passionate, enthusiastic, full-out life, capture that moment. You will regret the moments you didn't.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Confidence and ego are two entirely different things. Ego is saying you are the best and confidence is demonstrating behaviors that show you are the best.
Greater success will not be handed to you. You must go out and make it happen for yourself. I have heard it said many times in my life that good things come to those who wait. I believe that is only true if you are waiting on disappointment.
Many people wait for acceptance and approval from others. The barometer of their self-worth is set outside them to an external barometer; therefore, they are waiting for others to accept and approve of them so that they can feel valuable. If your barometer remains external, be aware that the people that you depend on to make you feel worthy have been given the power to make you feel unworthy also. I encourage you today to set your barometer internally and accept yourself. When you do, you will know that you are worthy of everything you want.
Most people judge how well they are doing in the world based on an external barometer or measurement. They see themselves as having self-confidence or lacking it, as they compare themselves to others' demonstration of confidence. I encourage you today to create an internal barometer. Identify where your level of self-confidence is in this moment and focus on only comparing your next level of potential growth to your internal barometer. There is much to say about this subject; stay tuned until tomorrow.
I encourage you not to judge how well you are doing today by the harvest you are reaping. Instead, focus your attention on the seeds you are planting today because your tomorrow is being created in this moment. My coaching to you today is to set a positive outcome and KNOW if you are planting the right seeds.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When the winds of change begin to blow in your life, recognize that it was always blowing and you just became aware of it. I encourage you to embrace the change. It is the only way you will grow.
If you accept the negative expectations and opinions of others as it relates to how you choose to live your life, then your life will very likely not turn out the way you want. It will turn out the way they want. If that should occur, I would not say shame on them; I would say shame on you.
The life you experience tomorrow will be the direct result of the choices you make today. I encourage you to take the time to write the story today about how you will live purposefully, positively, and productively tomorrow. Caution, if you don't, then you are simply hoping and wishing that it turns out the way you want it to and even if it does, you will not be able to replicate the success.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If being committed to going for what you want in life means you must stand alone, then stand alone. Be the brave Game Changer.
That would you do in your personal life if failure was not an option? If you would be assured of success, what would you do?
Your present circumstances do not determine what is possible in your future; they only indicate where you have been. Those circumstances do not get to take the next step on your journey unless you invite them along. This is not a "get over it" conversation; this is a "get on with it" conversation.
If you are unwilling to open your mind to change and allow yourself to be vulnerable, then you will not grow. Change and vulnerability can be frightening. My coaching to you is to feel the fear, focus on a positive outcome and take a big step forward with your eyes wide open. The bigger the step, the bigger the possible reward.
A person of courage is not necessarily an individual without fear. They are individuals who have faith and continue to move forward focused on their outcome, thereby overcoming the fear. Cowards tuck their tails and run.
If you choose to take the risk of being fulfilled in your life, you will run into a few walls along the way. If you remain focused on your outcome, those same walls will become bridges to get you to your outcome. Check the Conversation!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Think of your outcome as the top of a 20-story building, and to get to that outcome, you need to take the stairs. Every journey begins with the first step; take that step today.
Some people spend their entire lifetime searching for someone who deserves their love, attention, and nurturing. Look no further, that person is YOU! Happy New Year!
2022 is going to be the year of you. This will be the most positive, loving, supportive, intimate, connected, enthusiastic, generous, prosperous, healthy year ever. ALL of it, will happen because of you. Now isn't that the most liberating thought EVER? Game On!
The only people who never fail are those who are just existing, not succeeding. The only people who never make a mistake are the people who never take a risk. If you risk nothing, then you risk everything. Set a positive outcome today and begin a journey that changes your personal history.
If you can choose to love your parents in spite of them being opinionated and nagging, if you can choose to love and forgive children for the messes they make, if you can choose to forgive and care for friends who often show up late, then you can choose to forgive and love yourself.
Setting a powerful, positive outcome, and having the courage to make the choices that keep you moving forward means there will be NO "What ifs" or "If onlys" at the end of your journey.
I suggest you create a life worth living rather than waiting for it to happen to you.
Merry Christmas from the entire team at Discover Leadership Training. We are grateful for your trust, your support, and your commitment to keep growing! We are on your team!
If you spend your life being reasonable and logical, you will blend in with the rest of the world. If you choose to be unreasonably positive, focused, and committed to a specific outcome, you will create new opportunities and possibilities for you and the world to reinvent the future.
A commitment to a specific outcome leads to the "right" actions. The only way to truly know the appropriateness of your actions is to know your outcome. Frequently ask yourself, "WAYFO? (What Are You Focused On?)"
Many people have talked about having dreams. I believe that dreams about the impossible create new possibilities; however, in order to make these dreams a reality, you must first wake up and TAKE ACTION NOW (TAN)!
I challenge you today to dream unreasonably. Reach beyond the scope of your present resources and risk a greater success. Be aware that ALL you need in this present moment are the resources to take the first step. Do that today, and I promise when you do, the next step will be revealed to you.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Sometimes we don't notice the incredibly thoughtful, positive, valuable things others do for us until they stop doing them. Show your appreciation to someone in your life today.
So often the prisons that we live in are created by the limitations of our minds. Free yourself today and take the risk of going for the sweetest fruit available. As Will Rogers said, "You got to go out on a limb sometimes because that's where the fruit is." Have the courage to go for it today.
Before I left my house this morning, I found several things I was grateful for. I am grateful to awaken this morning. I am grateful for the roof over my head. I am grateful for the love of my life. I am grateful for great health. I am grateful for the food I ate. I am grateful for the sunrise. I am grateful that this list could go on and on. Please remember to take a moment today to just say THANK YOU!
Creating discontent for where you are today does not mean that you are not satisfied or grateful for where you are. Creating that discontent means you are fully alive and hungry, longing for even more of the abundance the universe has in store for you.
When you feel like everything that could have gone right went wrong; when you feel you have reached the end of your rope and you have done everything you knew how to do; when it feels like everyone is against you or there is nowhere else to turn, it is in that magnificent moment that you should begin to celebrate the beginning of life anew. That may sound insane to you; however, that is the moment a brand new life begins for you. Take a step forward in that moment, not backward.
If you believe you are worthy of those beautiful, magnificent, positive dreams you are having and you make a commitment to manifest them, there is not a force in the universe that can stop you.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
If being enthusiastic about your life and demonstrating that enthusiasm means you must stand alone, then stand alone. Be the Game Changer.
If you are only committed to do a little bit more, then you will only get a little bit more. Play Full Out TODAY!
Barriers, circumstances, and obstacles are the greatest gifts you will ever receive if you are committed to a life of personal growth. If not, then they will be barriers, circumstances and obstacles.
Do not allow the hurts and pains of your past to fill your heart and your daily thoughts. It takes courage to forgive and move forward. Fill your heart and mind with positive thoughts of what you will do to create the life you want moving forward.
If the defaulted future that you are living today will have you asking yourself "what if?" at the end of your life's journey, then the fault does not lie with your mom, dad, significant other, children or anyone else. The only price you will pay for an amazing life is personal responsibility.
A large majority of the people who inhabit this planet focus on being like everyone else in their world. I encourage you to be positively unique. Uniqueness is priceless. When the world laughs at your uniqueness, celebrate. What is unique about you?
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
It takes a lot of courage to stand alone; however, it is worth it. If being positive means you will stand alone... then stand alone.
No matter what is going on in your life in this present moment, you have a choice. The only thing that you have to do and have NO control over is death. Be courageous, be strong, and make that choice today.
If you knew that today would be your last day, what would you do differently? Would you love or live differently? Would your choices be different? I encourage you to play full out today. It just might be your last day.
Sometimes the greatest challenge we will encounter to making our dreams a reality comes from within. I assure you that the ONLY place where your dreams become impossible is in the conversation you are having with yourself.
If you have committed to get it done, now is the best time to get busy working on it. If you really want to experience it, get rid of the "someday" conversation and make it happen today.
This Tuesday is the best day in your life to take the next purposeful step to make your dreams a reality. What are you committed to do now?
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When you have committed to change, please be aware that it is an inside job.
If you are failing at whatever you are doing, keep changing your approach and keep moving forward with enthusiasm, passion, and conviction. Success sometimes results from going through failure after failure without loss of commitment, focus, and enthusiasm.
We quite often ignore what we have and yet seek more. We quite often do not appreciate the people in our lives. Be grateful for everything you have and for the people that love you. Your gratitude is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.
Is it more important to you if someone tells you the truth about how they feel, or is it more important to you how they say it? I encourage you to set your feelings aside and if someone is telling you the truth, see it as a gift.
You may recognize how easy it is to travel the path of least resistance; however, you will never create anything special or memorable by doing so. Today, challenge yourself to grow by not accepting the easy way and understanding that the reward usually mirrors the risk.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Having an attitude focused on positive manifestations and a belief in your abilities to make it happen is the mark of a Game Changer.
You deserve a life that's full and rich and overflowing with beautiful, meaningful experiences. Today, on this very day, you have the power, permission, and purpose to begin making your biggest dreams come true. You do indeed have the power to make your life anything you choose. Now has arrived and is ready to be filled with your dreams.
If you continue creating your future based on your past, then you will be predictably right about the ending of your life's story. Rewrite your story by setting a positive outcome and committing to do whatever it takes to get to that outcome.
Step into a new possibility that no one thought was possible for you. Being affirmed by others should be a value-add, not what drives you. If you wait for others to affirm you or give you value, life will pass you by. You can choose to believe anything you want. So, why not believe in yourself and accept personal responsibility to get what you want?
Living life on purpose does not happen by accident. It is not a matter of chance; rather it is a matter of choice. Whether you accept it or not, life is not happening to you. Whatever is going on in your life is because of the choices you are making. Have courage, take action now, and move in the direction of your dreams. You must wake up and accept personal responsibility in order to make your dreams a reality.
You may think you have eternity to realize your dreams. All you have is NOW! You are not lacking anything in this moment to take a step in the direction of your dreams. Every journey begins with the first step; this present moment is the best time to take that step NOW!
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When we accept personal responsibility to make sure those we are communicating to understand what we are communicating and we understand what others are communicating to us, we build trust and respect in the relationship. I always ask, why is there never enough time to do things right the first time; however, there is always time to do it all over again?
A magnificent shift in the universe occurs every time one person commits to be more positive, accepts more personal responsibility, and becomes the one person in their relationships committed to improve the relationship. Today is your day; no need for something to be wrong to make this happen. The world could be a better place today because of you.
No matter what has happened in your life, no matter what you have accomplished, there is a better version of you waiting to be discovered. Growing personally is available in this present moment.
If you live off the compliments of people, then you will die by their criticism. Accept personal responsibility to reinvent yourself, not because there is something wrong, but because you are worth it and so is every one that potentially views you as a role model.
Everything that has caused pain in your life is behind you. Blow up every bridge that leads back to all of it and move forward. Bringing your pain into your present moment gives life to the pain to live another day. The pain is not creating more pain, your choice is. Choose to move forward and live in the moment.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
When you make the choice to focus on a positive outcome, everything will change.
When life presents you with a challenge, take it. Then celebrate the opportunity to authenticate your commitment, passion and enthusiasm to live life full out.
No circumstance that has occurred or will occur defines you. The choice you make in that moment does.
We have been taught there is no "i" in Team. I would like to challenge that belief. I believe you are either a creator of truth or a creature of circumstance; you either bring color into your environment or, like a chameleon, you take color from others' environments. Every one of us has something positive to give in every situation. You are relevant; you make the difference. YOU MATTER! You are the "i" in Team!
I learned a very valuable lesson from raising four boys. Most of the behaviors they demonstrated that frustrated me the most were things they learned from me. Who in your life is frustrating you the most? They may be mirroring your behavior. I'm just sayin'.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Recently I visited a friend in College Station and as I explored the hundreds of acres he owned, I observed thousands of acorns all over the property. What I realized in that moment was very few of them would reach their full potential of a massive oak tree. The one thing you have that the acorn does not have is choice. Choose to live large today.
There is NO hope for a better yesterday, however, there is immeasurable hope for today. Choose to be positive today.
Once you make the choice to deliberately replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts, you will produce positive results. Choose to produce positive results today!
In order to perform a positive action, you must be aware that it begins with a positive thought. Think positively today!
When you woke up this morning you had an option to choose to be an optimist or a pessimist. One will produce positive results and the other will produce negative results. The key message is to choose wisely
I am absolutely certain that positive and negative thinking are both available to you. I am also convinced that positive thinking will produce better results than negative thinking. So why would you ever choose negative thinking?
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Life is too short for mediocrity. Follow your passion, take risks, and watch your life change for the better.
When life gets hard, these are moments for you to work harder and shine to others around you.
When you have committed to change, please be aware that it is an inside job.
Because you act in accordance to what you believe and perceive the truth to be, the world in which you live is a product of your thinking. If you want to change your world, you must change your thinking.
No matter how unreasonable your dreams appear to others, they are still your dreams. No need to wait for someone's acceptance or approval to make your dreams a reality.
Failure is nothing more than a precursor to success... as long as you stay in the game. If you fall down five times, stand up six. Remember... Winners lose more often than losers lose.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Remember that life is not a dress rehearsal. Every day is a gift.
Many people don't realize it but there's a currency more valuable than money... It's called time. Use your time wisely to achieve the life you want.
As you observe the direction that your thoughts (which are leading to your choices) are trending, and if you find your thoughts are not trending in the direction you want them to go, make a course correction NOW. You can't keep trending in the wrong direction and end up at the right place.
When you choose to live your life on purpose, you will reveal the purpose of your life. Each of us matters, and every one of us has a purpose upon this earth. Are you living your purpose? No need to sit around waiting for someone to give you permission to live your life on purpose, because you have already received the key. Today is the best day in your life to begin living your life on purpose; and the key is choice.
The Samurai Warrior was outcome-focused and driven by the benefits of his outcome, and as a result, he only moved forward. I encourage you to have the heart of a Samurai Warrior and celebrate your circumstances. Those circumstances will authenticate your commitment to move forward.
In order to grow as a leader, you must grow as a person. Personal growth is the toughest kind of growth there is, and for that reason, most people avoid growing personally. Take the risk to grow because it will determine who you will become. No need to wait for someone else to see the value in you to make that investment in yourself. It would be okay to get that handled today.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.
Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with POSITIVE thoughts, your life will start to change.
One of the qualities all successful people have is they accept personal responsibility for their outcomes. Accepting personal responsibility means taking ownership for your choices and the consequences of each of those choices. Until you accept that responsibility, you are volunteering to be a victim. My coaching to you is to own your choices and live your life on purpose!
If you believe your outcomes are possible before you see them, it means that you have faith that the outcome will come true. Now, have the heart of a Samurai Warrior and the courage to take the first powerful step towards your outcome.
Your life is a result of the choices you make. Increase your awareness by realizing that before every choice there is what I call a "Choice Point". Once you truly realize this and accept personal responsibility for what you choose in that moment, you will feel the essence of living a life on purpose.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Abundance is not something we acquire; it is something we tune into. Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.
When an individual has the courage to take a stand, the spines of others stiffen. It is not the critic who counts, nor is it the person who points out how the doer of courageous deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the person who has the courage to "get in the game" and remain focused on their positive outcome no matter the circumstance.
Many people go through life waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen. Be the person who makes them happen.
If you really want to live a purposeful life, then make iFOTO (I Focus on the Outcome) your motto. The only way to know if the choices you are making every day are purposeful is to know what outcome is driving those choices.
Your attitude is not controlled by what is happening to you; however, it is controlled by the conversation you are having with yourself about what's happening. Check the conversation you are having with yourself and remain focused on your positive outcome and you will get to the things you want.
Life is better when you stop worrying about the things you can't control. Be in the moment and control what you can and your outcome will be good.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
AÂ lot of people don't realize that happiness is a skill. Do everything you can to learn it.
It doesn't matter what you've done, what matters is what you choose to do from here.
When you believe in yourself, when you take control of your life, when you accept 100% personal responsibility for your happiness, it will be impossible for someone else to manipulate or control you.
There is a universal conspiracy occurring in this moment and it is focused on and committed to your success. When you assess what just occurred as wrong, bad, or negative, you are diverting right, good, and positive. When you accept this truth, your life will be transformed forever.
In every perceivably negative situation there is a positive resolve. First, believe this truth and then begin looking for the positive. It is as close as the beat of your heart.
When you allow someone's opinion of you to stop you in your tracks, you are literally saying that their opinion of you is more important than your opinion of you. Okay, let's get something handled today. In this moment, you are whole and complete; no need for anyone else's approval to believe that.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Be miserable, or motivate yourself. Whatever you do, it's always your choice.
It is absolutely possible to reframe your thinking so that you will never think negatively again. You are the only person choosing your thoughts.
Developing a loving, trusting relationship with yourself is critical to living an authentically fulfilled, happy life. If love and happiness are only being received from other people or things, there are likely some predictable, painful days ahead for you.
Let's be clear; you are not what you do, you are how you do it. Ponder that for a minute. Now, I don't care who you are, that is smoking hottt!
Whatever is occurring in your life is a gift. If you become a commentator, looking at the analytics and doing play-by-play, observing everything that happened or is happening, you will miss the opportunity to get in the game and put points on the scoreboard.
I realize this fact may be a little hard to swallow, however, I submit that everything that has occurred in your life was absolutely perfect to move you to the next place and the next place. In other words, I believe the universe has ALWAYS been conspiring for your success.
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
The behaviors you are practicing today are those behaviors you will become the MASTER of. Every choice matters.
Stress and negativity are not being created by what is happening; rather, it is being created by what you are saying about what is happening. Check the Conversation you are having with yourself.
I grew up hearing people say, "You are going to make me lose my religion." Someone else cannot make you lose your religion or your mind without your permission. Your emotions are controlled by your thoughts. You do not have to get angry because of the situations created by others.
When you take a step, you travel about 3 feet in distance. People often say, "Go the extra mile." My coaching to you today is to go the extra 3 feet; take the next step.
I often tell people, "The answer is in the silence." Take a moment to be quiet today, find a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on one thing; what you can do to improve your relationships, what you can do to make more sales, what you can do to be a better boss. You will uncover some new possibilities you may not have been aware of.
Discover Leadership Training is always looking for new and innovative ways to bring you powerful, positive messages. Check out today's Thought of the Day on YouTube & subscribe to our channel now. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
When you have belief, faith, and courage, everything that you want has a great chance of becoming your reality.
As long as you are living your life based on the expectations others have of you and living by their rules, you will never be happy, fulfilled, or successful; well, unless your outcome is to simply live your life pleasing others.
Failure is an assessment made based on an expectation. The only way that this assessment is true is if you choose to quit. Move your butt; it is "Not Over" until you say it's over.
As you focus on getting everything that life has to offer you today, I encourage you to go for it; however, there is no need for you to prevent anyone else from doing the same.
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Nuff said.
Success has no finish line, it is more about the journey. NOT OVER!
Be where you are and be happy in that space; however, if that happiness is attached to a person, place or thing, you do not own it. Happiness is an inside job, so make sure that what is making you happy is within your control.
The more you focus on the negative events that have occurred in your life, the more you are preventing yourself from getting on with your life. What happened in your past is not preventing you from future success; the conversation you are having with yourself about it is the reason.
Project yourself to what you want to become and then begin acting as if you are already there. When you do, you will activate the energy, behaviors, and focus it will take to get there. If you are committed, your dream is about to become reality.
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with. Nuff said.
When you declare with passion and enthusiasm that NOTHING is impossible for you and you truly believe it, you will attain everything you desire.
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You are going to spend a lot of time with yourself. You may want to fall in love with yourself. You really are worth it.
Make a list of the people in your personal inner circle, determine who is the most positive of them all, and develop the closest relationship with that person.
If you are feeling a lack of enthusiasm, talk yourself into being enthusiastic and watch it happen. It's time to accept that you do not lack anything to go for what you want.
I encourage you to go for the things you really want in your life. Never believe that you have failed or lost. It is not over until you say it is over.
It does not matter what talents or abilities you know you have; trust me, you were created for a purpose. Commit today to live it with your whole heart.
You are greater than anything that has ever happened to you. You've got to understand that whatever happened, happened. This is not an invitation to get over anything; this is an invitation to get on with your life. It is the only one you will get.
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When something gets really tough, never say to yourself, "I can't do it." As soon as you make that affirmation, you will make yourself right.
You will never be defeated until you choose to give up. NEVER Give Up!!!!!
In the next 24 hours, make a commitment to catch as many people as you can doing things right.
Life will throw you many severe blows. However, the person who is truly committed to their outcome understands that these blows are an opportunity to authenticate their commitment.
Determination, perseverance, and commitment will outlast any insurmountable circumstance you will encounter. Remain focused on your outcome and keep moving forward.
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The choice you are making right now affects everyone around you either positively or negatively. Choose wisely.
If you seek to be the best at whatever you are doing, my best advice to you is to become independent of the opinions of others. Determine what you want to do and surround yourself with people who hold you accountable and support you.
If you are working to resolve a problem and you are asking yourself "How?" questions, your answer will always be historical. If you want to create a new possibility, ask yourself "What?" and "Why?" questions.
There have been words that have been identified as "bad words". I do not believe that there are any "bad words". I believe that people use words in bad ways. The only price you will pay to live a rich, purposeful life is personal responsibility.
I have often heard people say that money is the root of ALL evil. I do not agree with that. I believe that the way people choose to use money is the root of ALL evil. I submit that the only price you will pay to have an amazingly fulfilled life is personal responsibility.Â
As you consume your morning beverage, I want you to think about one thing. Ask yourself, "When this day is over, what will I have done to create a better version of myself?" Pick an area of your life to grow today. Be kinder, make more effort, be more responsible for effective communication, be more patient, and smile more.
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I realize that sometimes things happen in our lives that require us to go through some tough situations. My coaching this morning is to go through the situation. The worst time to stop is when you are going through hell.
Getting outside your comfort zone is one way to increase your self-confidence. Nuff said.
Let's bring this week's messages together. I believe that it is possible to be positive ALL of the time. I believe we are always at choice regarding positive and negative, and since they both are always present and I can choose, why would I ever choose negative? I would like to add that sadness and negative are two completely different things.
I submit that one of the greatest gifts we have been given is the gift of choice. You can choose to believe anything you want to believe, and it becomes your truth. To be continued tomorrow...
I have heard people say that it is unrealistic to be positive ALL the time. As soon as I hear that, I know this person has just identified their capacity to believe beyond what they have been taught or have experienced. To be continued tomorrow...
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It is action that will change the world, not dreams. However, I encourage you to dream dreams and then wake up to make those dreams a reality. Make your actions positive.
Keep probing for the tremendous potential inside of you as you remain committed to Create a Better Version of Yourself.
When you focus on being the best and having the best, the best will become your reality, because what you focus on will expand for you.
If you create a conversation with yourself affirming that you lack anything, you are empowering everything in the universe that can make that the truth, to make that the truth. Energy and actions will always follow your thoughts. So, check the conversation you are having with yourself and make sure it is focused on creating thoughts of what you want and make a commitment to make it happen.
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Make a commitment to yourself today to be the best you that you have ever been. Not because there is something wrong; well actually, there is something wrong. The best you is ready to be exposed.
Be aware that ALL of the enthusiasm you need to approach everything in your life can be created by the conversation you are having with yourself. Having a zest for life, your job, and your relationships will create positive outcomes, and it is contagious.
Close your eyes and create the image of the life you want in your mind. You are worthy of that life, so open your eyes and make the image your reality.
For every no, there is a yes. For every negative, there is a positive. I encourage you to search for your yes and your positive. I assure you they exist in everything you are doing.
When you embrace a "play full out" attitude and focus on positive outcomes, you will do incredible things.
There is absolute abundance in this world. There is no need for you to take anything from anyone; create your own.
Be kind to yourself today. Sometimes, even when you have given your 100% in that moment, it may not be enough to get you to your outcome. If you celebrate rather than beat yourself up, you will begin tomorrow in a positive energy and not a negative energy. Remember, winners lose more often than losers lose.
You can't expect to be positive if you keep negative people around you. Start surrounding yourself with positive people and see the positive changes begin to appear.
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If something is not going your way, now is not the time to throw in the towel. Now is the time to change your approach and keep moving forward, because if you throw in the towel, you will never get to your outcome. Keep moving forward.
Just because you may think you do not sing and dance well based on your comparison to someone else, doesn't mean you shouldn't sing and dance. I encourage you to sing and dance today and have fun doing it. I promise it will make you feel good, and oh my goodness, look at that smile on your face.
Your outcome should not be to live forever, because none of us will; your outcome should be to know that your choices will have an impact on your world that will live forever. What are you doing today to impact your world in a positive way and make each moment count?
If you continue looking back at the historical stuff that happened yesterday, you will miss the opportunity to be the creator of what is happening right now. My tip for you today is to FOTO (focus on the outcome) and BE IN THE MOMENT.
You cannot know happiness without experiencing sadness. You cannot realize what is positive if you have never experienced negative. If you have never experienced failure, you may not fully appreciate and understand success. There really is nothing wrong; it's ALL good.
Think of your outcome as the top of a 20 story building, and to get to that outcome, you need to take the stairs. Every journey begins with the first step; take that step today.
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Life isn't about avoiding the storms, because I believe the gift is in the storm. I hope you choose to dance today, even in the midst of the storm.
I challenge you to pick one thing in your life that you are committed to besting your best from yesterday. You may ask, "Why should you do that?" and I am glad you asked. I believe we ALL occupy the largest room in the house and that is the room for improvement.
Are you stressed out? Whatever the issue is that is creating the stress, treat it like a mosquito; kill it before it sucks the life out of you. By the way, it is not another person that is creating that stress, it is the conversation you are having about them or their behavior that is creating the stress. I've got two words for ya, stop it.
Confidence and ego are two entirely different things. Ego is saying you are the best and confidence is demonstrating behaviors that show you are the best.
Success and failure are not final destinations; they are just a stop on the long journey of life. Focus your attention on the journey toward your outcome, NOT the stops along the way. "Be" in the moment.
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Ever heard the saying "Nobody's Perfect"? Well, most people use that as an excuse, and that is where the misunderstanding happens because you can have a perfect moment, it just depends on your context of perfect. Look, there was an opportunity for a perfect moment.
Every morning I start my day with this affirmation; "I will not be defined by my yesterday, today I begin again." I learned a long time ago not to rest on my accomplishments or be held back by my challenges from yesterday. Today starts a new day with new opportunities and possible new challenges. This morning the score is 0/0. Earn your win today. Find out more by reading my white paper.
One of the symbols we use in our Master Graduate Leadership Program is an acorn because that acorn represents an extreme amount of potential. Think of yourself today as that acorn. There is a lot of potential within you. It does not matter how much you have accomplished, there is more. Plant yourself today and be green and growing.
Setting an outcome is critical to developing new habits. The outcome contextualizes what you need to do to move forward. It will be necessary to be in the moment while focused on your outcome, because if the wind stops blowing, you may need to change your approach and start rowing. It is not over until you say it is over.
When you look at another person, what do you see? Do you see the color of their eyes and make an assessment or judgment of them as normal or unique? Do you see the blemish on their face, their body shape (too skinny or too fat) and assess value of "Hot or Not"? My challenge to you today is to focus beyond the 1% you can see with your human eyes and look deeper in an effort to connect with the beauty of the human spirit and the 99% that is invisible to your eyes. What do you see now?
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As far as we know, this is our one shot on this earth to play full out and go for everything that we want. Life is not a dress rehearsal. So why not risk success in everything that you do?
If you could have anything you want in the world, professionally and personally, what would it be? You can have it. You just have to start by believing you can have it and then be willing to invest some sweat equity. No reasons, alibis, or excuses. Now, go make it happen!
Smiles and laughs are contagious. My challenge to you is be the catalyst to spreading those smiles and laughs to all your co-workers, friends, and family. Deliberately smile and laugh as many times as you can today.
Do you want something new in your life? Here is my trick... instead of fighting against what I don't want; I put all my energy into what I do want. If the statement coming out of your mouth starts with "I don't want", you are focused on pain. When the statement begins with "I want", you are focused on gain. iFOTO (I Focus On The Outcome) should be your motto!
Every summer, most people think of all the things they can do for themselves. They think of taking trips with their family, relaxing at home, gardening in their yard, or even learning something new. We ask that while you're thinking and doing things for yourself, take the time to also be grateful for what you have.
As it relates to creating a better version of yourself, are you afraid of anything? Are you frustrated or angry that up until now, your efforts have not produced the results you want? Well, I have 2 words that will make all the difference in the world... "STOP IT!" Yup that's it, "STOP IT!" You are choosing to feel the way you are feeling, so just "STOP IT!" My work here is done for today.
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You can either deliberately do the things that will produce the results you say you want in each moment, or you can live in regret that you didn't choose to do them. Your greatest opportunity in each moment is the choice between the two.
You are who you are because of what you choose. If you are happy, fulfilled, confident, enthusiastic, positive, driven, and focused, it is because you have accepted 100% personal responsibility to "be" those things. In the context of this conversation, there are no victims, there are only volunteers. Wow, that too is a choice.
Anything that prevents you from growing is not worth defending.
Failure and success are both an assessment of how something turned out. I encourage you to determine what the successful outcome is before the game starts so that you can manage yourself to a successful conclusion. That really is the only thing you control.
Every circumstance that you encounter reveals the conversation you are having with yourself. That conversation will be producing your reality, so check the conversation to ensure it will be producing what you intend for it to produce. Yupp, that is exactly what I meant to say. Circumstances out of your control will happen. They are not creating your reality; your choice in relation to the circumstance is producing your reality.
Watch today's Thought of the Day on YouTube. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
I encourage you to recognize whether the feelings you are experiencing today are being created by what is going on outside of you or because of what you are choosing. Here is a little tip to help you determine the answer; check the conversation you are having with yourself.
There are 86,400 seconds in every day. I believe that the best time for us to go for what we want is NOW and then NOW and then NOW. I trust you get the picture.
There are many factors that can lead you to success in your personal and professional life; however, the one I encourage you to embrace is perseverance. Perseverance is the one factor that will outlast education and many other factors. So, if the approach you are using is not working, change your approach and continue to persistently move forward until you succeed.
Be aware that in the many years I have been coaching human beings, every time I observed an individual make a decision based on negative emotions, rarely did it lead to an immediate positive outcome. Be aware and honest with yourself about what is driving your choices.
It only takes one person to be the Positive Game Changer. Why Not You? Why Not Now? Enroll others to be the Game Changer in their world by nominating them for the MGLP!
If you were to audit how you spent the past 24 hours, it would awaken you to several truths. I want to take a moment to make you aware of a few opportunities you had. There was time in the day for you to give a hug to someone who needed it. There was time for you to take 15-30 minutes working to create a healthier you. There was a moment to catch someone doing something "right". There was a moment to turn everything off and just listen to your children without judgement or the need to give them advice. There was time to initiate an "I love you" to someone special in your life. There was time to just stop and say "thank you" and be grateful for all of the gifts you have received. How will you spend the next 24 hours? Life is not a dress rehearsal.
Watch today's Thought of the Day on YouTube. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Will your life be defined by how others feel about your choices? If so, why is that SO important to you?
I have become aware that I create my own realities regarding the things I have 100% control over. This belief has been challenged time and time again, and I have chosen to authenticate my belief while remaining focused on the outcome; calm, self-confident, and determined to accept 100% personal responsibility for my realities. You have control over your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. I encourage you today to not be driven by the winds of other's choices; rather, be the wind that determines your own realities because you cannot control others.
What one thing is a MUST do before you die? Send me an email and share your thoughts with me at Mikej@discoverleadership.com
It is unfortunate that most people spend more time focused on what they do not have rather than what they do have. The only thing that you and others can hold you accountable to give, is 100% of what you do have to give. I encourage you to hold yourself accountable for that today; it is within your power. What are you waiting for?
If you approach your next project or relationship with a mindset focused on the potential of failure, you will fail. I encourage you to talk yourself into a mindset focused on the opportunity for success, and you will succeed.
Watch today's Thought of the Day on YouTube. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Neither success nor failure is ever final or fatal. It is not over, until you say it is over. Today, I begin again.
I not only encourage you to ignore unconstructive, negative commentary, I also encourage you not to participate in it. No one has a right to judge you, and you do not have a right to judge others. Positive and negative are choices; choose positive.
If you are driving down the street and you make a wrong turn and find yourself now heading in the wrong direction, do you continue going that way for fear of what others will say about you? I am sure you answered that question with a "NO". I encourage you to apply that same "NO" when you have made a wrong choice in your life. Just because you made a wrong choice does not mean you are doomed to continue on that wrong journey, knowing it will never end up at the destination you intended.
If you truly are committed to what you say you want, it may require you to reinvent yourself. If what you are "moving to" is more important than what you are "moving from", success is imminent. I promise you will get several opportunities to authenticate whether you truly are committed.
Patience is NOT a virtue, it is a choice. Nuff said.
Watch today's Thought of the Day on YouTube. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
Anything that prevents you from being happy is NEVER going to be worth fighting for. Nuff said.
Spring is known for new beginnings and it is seen everywhere during this time of the year. We see green and growing leaves on trees, we see our neighbors bring out the lawn mowers, and we get our homes in order as we begin our spring cleaning rituals. It is also the perfect time to take advantage of our Spring Sale.
One of my clients sent me an email stating that he felt like he had hit rock bottom. I told him to start celebrating because this was the best day in his life to begin again knowing that he was one of few people on the planet today who had nowhere else to go but up. It is indeed, another great day to be alive.
The words that you say out loud do not define you as much as the words you say silently to yourself.
Help a teen in your life recognize their insane potential by signing them up now for Cougar Quest (our teen class). They are not the future, they are the now!
Visit us on YouTube to see today's Thought of the Day. THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY!!!
You are the common denominator in every relationship you are in. The best investment you can make in every one of those relationships is an investment in yourself. The more you grow as a person, the more positive return each of those relationships will produce.
It takes more energy to mask your authentic self than to just be REAL. Make a commitment to yourself to be honest and authentic no matter how many false friends you lose.
It is somewhat easy for most people to be your team member, partner, or friend when the sun is shining. The true test of character happens when the storms arrive and things get a little tough. I assure you that the real character of those individuals will emerge and I encourage you not to ignore that truth. A very wise man once told me, "What comes out of a person when they are squeezed is what is inside of them."
You will experience true success when you fully realize that winners lose more often than losers lose. I encourage you today to go from failure to failure with passion and enthusiasm, knowing that the big win is just one step away. Take that step today.
It is not over when you fall down; it is over when you quit and refuse to get up. It does not matter what has happened; just reach deep inside of you and find the courage to take one positive step in the right direction.
You will never know how positively or negatively far-reaching something that you do or say may go. Be deliberately positive in all that you do and say.
If you are not experiencing any failures, if you have not fallen flat on your face, if you have not made a mistake lately, then I suggest that you are playing not to lose, rather than playing to win. Taking a risk means the potential of failure. Take the risk today because you are also risking success.
When your eyes are laser-focused on a specific outcome and you are committed to it, you rarely see obstacles. As long as you remain committed and focused on your outcome, the behaviors and resources you need will appear like magic. Do something magical today.
I choose to live by the "Platinum Rule" which is to treat me the way I want to be treated. When you tell the people in your life how you want them to treat you, it is your responsibility to make sure they do. If the approach you are using to be treated the way you want to be treated is not working, change your approach.
Your self-worth should not be measured by how you compare to someone else. Nuff Said!
When you have a significant emotional event happen in your life, do you allow it to control where you're moving to or do you stay focused on what you want? No matter what is happening to you, or around you, what you focus on is still your choice.
If you mistake knowledge for wisdom, you may make a good living; however, you will not make a good life.
There is generally one prevailing factor that keeps you stuck in a rut, planted on the sidelines and watching life pass you by... that is FEAR. FEAR of the unknown, FEAR of change, FEAR of failure, FEAR of taking a risk. You are in control of the conversation that creates and feeds that FEAR. So check the conversation that you are having with yourself and talk yourself into a COURAGEOUS conversation that will get you out of the rut and moving forward.
If you wait too long to make a decision about what you will accomplish today, I am predicting that you will be laying in your bed tonight and you will have accomplished nothing. Get in the game and Take Action Now! Read the white paper, "The Anatomy of a Compelling Story" for a tool to help you plan your day!
The only way to make things better in your life is to do it yourself. Complaining won't do it. Talking about it won't do it. Only action will do it.
When you don't feel like smiling is the perfect time to smile. All you have to do is remember that you can choose how you feel in that moment; then smile and laugh and before you know it, it will all feel better.
Your success will not be measured today by what you accomplish. I believe that true success will be determined by how you played the game. How did you handle challenges, obstacles, and stumbling blocks? What did you do when "Murphy" showed up? When you understand that everything that rises up against your dreams is an incredible gift, you will become grateful for your opportunity to overcome them.
Everything that you fight against weakens you. I encourage you to reframe your pain to gain. Identify what you are committed to fight for and move forward creating rather than tearing down. I believe you will find it more rewarding to leave a legacy of what you built, rather than what you tore down.
Have you ever heard the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"? Well, I suggest spending a little more time with the lemon. You may expose a significant value that you may not be able to see as long as it is contextualized as a lemon. Some of the greatest gifts come directly from the lemon.
Sometimes we have friends and family who don't see themselves as amazingly as we see them. And often we want things for them more than they want for themselves. This can be very painful as you observe them under living their potential. The only thing you can do many times is just continue to believe in them, and one day maybe they will see in themselves what you see in them. Another thing you could do is NOMINATE THEM to attend the MGLP!
I will not be judged today by my yesterday... today I begin again focused on the success I will create today. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow; an opportunity to be better today than yesterday. Taking all of the good and bad, the positive and negative, the successes and failures and leveraging them to make today better is what an effective leader does. When you hold on to yesterday you are simply standing still, waiting on the sidelines for life, waiting to die. Live life on purpose by setting the outcome that you want and have the courage to make it happen. Life is not a dress rehearsal. WAYFO? (What are you focused on?)
If your mind is focused on and consumed by doubt and fear, you will never be able to focus on the journey to victory. Check that conversation!
I am going to share a big secret with you today. The secret to success is to put one foot in front of the other and MOVE FORWARD. No matter how tough things are, keep moving forward and before you know it, you are through the tough spot. I often tell people, "When you are moving through hell, this is not a good time to stop and analyze. Keep moving and before you know it, you are out of it."
Your self-worth should be a direct correlation to how you see yourself, not how others see you. So, how much are you worth?
As a leader I give many instructions every day. I need my team members to accept 100% ownership of the project or task I am giving them. I accept 100% personal responsibility to explain my needs until they understand my conditions of satisfaction. I am personally responsible to ensure they have the resources and authority to complete my request. Once I have set them up to succeed, my last question to my team member is "what do you need from me to be successful?" As a leader I am 100% personally responsible for my team's success, if they fail, so do I.
We must continue learning and growing, because this stuff is real simple, however, it is not easy. We must practice new learnings and behaviors daily because knowledge is only powerful when it is applied.
We must continue learning and growing, because this stuff is real simple, however, it is not easy. We must practice new learnings and behaviors daily because knowledge is only powerful when it is applied.
Being independent doesn't mean never asking for help. Sometimes asking for help takes the most courage because it means you are admitting to yourself that you are vulnerable, and vulnerability is scary. Knowing when you need help and having the courage to ask for it is the ultimate form of independence.
Knowing yourself and your values should be the foundation of your choices. When you make choices that are not congruent with your values, you create turmoil in your soul. Stay true to who you are and even the toughest decisions will give you peace.
The FIRST step will never be taken if all of the "what if's" need to be resolved initially. Seeing is not believing... when you believe it first, have faith and demonstrate courage to take the first step, focused on your outcomes, your deepest dreams and desires will become reality. This is not a conversation about acquiring a romantic relationship or money - this is about becoming a better you.
As long as you have dreams, tomorrow has hope. As long as you have hope, new possibilities await you. Living your life on purpose is not about waiting for the storms to pass. This is your NOW so whenever you get the chance to sit it out or dance, choose to dance.
"To work in the world lovingly means that we are defining what we will be for, rather than reacting to what we are against." -Christina Baldwin This truly is simple, however, I realize that it is not easy; what you focus on will expand. Set a positive outcome today and focus on the benefits it will bring to your life and the lives of everyone associated with your outcome. Remain focused on the outcome no matter what obstacles get in your way. What you focus on will expand - keep moving toward what you want and it will become a reality.
Today I begin again. Yesterday was the result of the choices you made. The same will be true today. Who do you choose to be today? Self-confident? Enthusiastic? Personally responsible? Sad? Lazy? A blamer? The choice is yours and it will manifest into the reality you will experience. You don't even need to say a word for those around you to know what you are the most committed to. I AM WORTHY! How about you? Check the Conversation.
Is it important to you if someone tells the truth about how they feel, or is it more important to you how they say it? I encourage you to set your feelings aside and if someone is telling you the truth, see it as a gift.
You may recognize how easy it is to travel the path of least resistance; however, you will never create anything special or memorable by doing so. Today, challenge yourself to grow by not accepting the easy way and understanding that the reward usually mirrors the risk.
You cannot change the circumstances that occur in your life, however, you are responsible for the choices you make related to those circumstances. As you set and focus on your outcome, you must have the courage to manifest that outcome. There will be circumstances along your journey that you have no control over, and as you encounter these factors, you have the option to either react or respond. Reacting essentially gives your control away and you are at the mercy of the circumstance. Responding is the only choice that is on purpose and allows you to maintain control of where you are headed. Stay focused on the outcome (iFOTO) and use the circumstance as an asset to propel you forward. It's time to TAN (Take Action Now).
During one of my one on one coaching calls, my client said something really funny, in fact I gotta tell you I laugh out loud every time I think about it. She said "I plan on taking a more active role in the decisions I make sometime really soon" - my response to her was "it would be ok to start doing that right NOW." Not sure who, however, I intuitively felt that someone else needed to hear that today.
Imagine that all of your potential came to you in the form of currency. How are you spending yours?
You may feel you have eternity to realize your dreams. All you have is NOW! You are not lacking anything in this moment to take a step in the direction of your dreams. Every journey begins with the first step. Take it NOW!
What is life? Life is a purpose. How will you fulfill it today?
If you risk nothing to get what you say you want, you are actually risking everything. Have the courage to go for what you want. The only way to create the possibility of making it happen is by believing you are worth it. Then put your heart, body and soul into your effort to make it happen. In my book Hold Nothing Back, I offer great ideas about Playing Full Out!
Discover Leadership Training's research shows that the most successful leaders on the planet are those who accept personal responsibility to motivate themselves.
As long as you have dreams, tomorrow has hope. As long as you have hope, new possibilities await you. Living your life on purpose is not about waiting for the storms to pass. This is your NOW. So whenever you get the chance to sit it out or dance, choose to dance.
What you fight against weakens you and does not define what you stand for, but what you stand against. You cannot be in reaction AND be on purpose. Finding your purpose will be what ultimately defines you and determines the behavior with which you will move forward. That purpose enables you to move TOWARD what you want rather than AWAY from what you don't want. What is it that you stand for?
There are some very recognizable brands on the planet, Apple, Amazon and Tesla are a few. As soon as you hear these brands, you know exactly what they stand for. It's time to create your own personal brand by using your superpowers. Each one of us has a strength that we are able to spread to others in a positive way. Whether it's being understanding, patient, or trusting, someone can use your strength.
My coaching to you this morning is to begin today working on the relationship you have with yourself. Set a positive outcome today and make a commitment to yourself to reach a specific outcome regarding that commitment. A commitment is a promise to deliver. I recommend that your focus be to accomplish that outcome today. It can be as simple as catching a few people doing things "right" today. I also recommend that you find someone to be your accountability partner to help keep you on track. Share your commitment with them, and ask them to hold you accountable to that commitment - no reasons, alibis, or excuses.
Today, stay positive. Enough said.
Leadership is knowing how to enroll, inspire and motivate others in a vision to a point where they now own the vision. They believe and act as if the vision is their own.
Over the past year a lot of people have been laid off. In the coming months many more will be laid off. If you are one of those individuals it may appear that you have come to a dead-end and that may be true, however, a dead-end is nothing more than a choice point. You can choose to wait for something to happen to you or you can choose to make it happen because of you by Taking Action Now, by turning right or left and creating a new possibility. Someone will start a new career today; why not you? It is "Not Over" until you say it is over. Circumstances do not define you, however, the choice you make in reaction or response to the circumstance will... WAYFO?
As leaders we give many instructions every day. I need my team members at work and home to accept 100% ownership of the project or task I am giving them. I accept 100% personal responsibility to explain my needs until they understand my conditions of satisfaction. I am personally responsible to ensure they have the resources and authority to complete my request. Once I am sure they understand and they are committed to deliver, my last question to my team member is "what do you need from me to be successful?" As a leader I am 100% personally responsible for my team's success, if they fail, so do I. I'm Just Sayin.
Every morning before you arise, check the conversation you are having with yourself. Then focus on the conversation that will get you what you want today and project out loud three times... "I Believe!!".
You are greater than anything that has happened to you. Whatever happened, happened - this is not a conversation about getting over it. This is a conversation about getting on with it. This is your NOW!
Good Morning, so you say you are positive - are you really? Positive people tell the problem how big God is, whereas negative people tell God how big the problem is. Positive people continue to move forward focused on the outcome no matter the circumstances. Be Positive! Check the Conversation!
There is a universal rule that says whatever you give, it always comes back to you - Givers Gain in return whatever they have chosen to give. So those things that you have chosen to give - laughter, pain, love, criticism, punishment, or praise - it will come back to you. For some of us, this is great news.
I submit that the only thing each of us truly owns in the universe is our word. Every time we break our word someone gets hurt. Choose to have integrity with yourself.
I have often heard people say, "Fake it, 'til you make it." Is that like, "Believe it, 'til you believe it?" Ok, so here is my real question, "What exactly are you faking, the task or the belief?"
I have often heard people say, "Fake it, 'til you make it." Is that like, "Believe it, 'til you believe it?" Ok, so here is my real question, "What exactly are you faking, the task or the belief?"
A pat on the back is a few vertebrae from a kick in the butt; however, the benefits of the pat on the back are exponentially more positive. Catch someone doing something right today. What you focus on will expand!
If being happy means you must stand alone, then stand alone. Be the courageous Game Changer.
Whenever a circumstance arises that you call a CRISIS, you should be aware that for everything you "see" there is a "not seeing". In other words, your seeing has a blind spot. Your CRISIS may be an ending for you; however, someone else may see it as a beginning. Check the conversation you are having with yourself, because that conversation is defining every moment.
The best things in life are free; however, they are not cheap. The only price you will pay is accepting personal responsibility to go get what you want and make it happen.
I have learned that if you sit and wait for happiness, it will never come. I have also learned that if you pursue happiness, it will never be found. I have learned that happiness is a gift that is available to you in this present moment - all you need to do is to choose it NOW! Be Happy! Check the Conversation!
I was talking to a friend a few days ago about all the things she had going on in her life. She told me that she could not wait for things to get back to normal. I was surprised by the passion in my response as I asked her, "What is normal and why would you want to get back to it?" I said to her, "Now is the absolute best time to walk, no, run away from normal and reinvent a better version of yourself." The more you choose to hold onto the old you, the more you will miss out on new possibilities.
Choosing to Be Free, Be Happy, Be Strong, Be Brave is an inside job. Nothing and no one outside you can do it for you.
Getting to your next level won't happen to you, it will happen because of you. The best time to take action was yesterday and the next best time to Take Action is Now. We would love to help you with this which is why we are currently offering our programs at Black Friday prices.
Be the creator of your future and not a prisoner of your past. It is time to get on with it; your life that is.
It takes a lot of courage to stand alone, but it is worth it. If being positive means you will stand alone... then stand alone.
You can choose to believe anything in the universe that you want... so why not choose to believe in yourself? Every situation you face in life will reveal the authentic conversation you are in and will reveal your true belief in yourself in that moment. You become either your greatest advocate, or your greatest challenge. You have the choice in each of those moments to believe in yourself and trust the potential you have. Believing in yourself opens the door for that potential to be realized and creates possibilities that would not have existed otherwise. You matter, you count...
If you want to change your world my friend, you must change your thinking - look at what you are thinking. Every outcome you have experienced and produced is the result of your thinking. Your energy and actions are following that thought - Check the Conversation!
The quality of this present moment will largely be determined by one factor - the people you choose to allow in your life. When you choose to surround yourself with people that are supporting your intention and purpose, you create a new possibility for your own growth and success. If not, you are simply focused on survival. This is Your Now!
Your past has NO power over the present moment in which you are living until you give it power. This really is not a conversation about getting over your past; it is an invitation to get on with living the rest of your life.
If 2021 is going to be your best year ever it will not happen by accident. Take action now and Reignite the Fire Within.
I have had the privilege of conducting hundreds of keynote speeches. It never fails that people tell me how motivated they were by the speech. I was wondering this morning, why is it okay for us to be our greatest critic but it is not okay for us to be our greatest supporter. I believe that motivation is a management tool and when we become self-motivated, we become self-managed. I am still not understanding why that is a problem. My coaching to you this morning is to give yourself a high five today!
The first step to getting what you want from life is to know what you want. Then you must believe you can have it and have the courage to go for it Heart, Body and Soul.
Effective leaders have the heart of a Samurai Warrior. They realize they cannot be anchored to circumstances and be on purpose. These leaders realize that when they are anchored to the principles they believe in and remain focused on their outcome; they will define the circumstances.
Today is February 14th, Valentine's Day. This is the day the world is focused on being romantic and "in love". My question to you today is "Why aren't you focused on being romantic and in love every day?" Today could be one of the 365 days this year you show your love to your friends and family OR it could be the one and only day this year you do. Take your pick...
Did you know that winners lose more often than losers lose? Have the courage and persistence to go after the sweetest fruit out on those skinny branches.
There is a difference between being focused on the outcome and being attached to the outcome. Truly being focused on the outcome means giving your 100% to manifest that outcome, creating the conversation and the behavior that will bring you closer to that outcome, and also understanding that there are things outside of your control that could affect whether you reach that outcome or not. Being attached to the outcome will lead to frustration and disappointment if the outcome is not met - despite the existence of things outside of your control. Realize that all you can control is your own give, and your own attitude in the midst of that give. If the moment requires you to start over, then create the positive energy that will move you forward. I am committed to not be defined by my yesterdays... today, I begin again.
Good Morning, I sure hope you are ready for a deep TOTD this morning; well heck they have ALL been kinda deep. Ok, I am rambling this morning. It is predictable that an amazing, negative, positive, worst day of my life, horrible, best day ever, good, great day is going to happen in the next 24 hours. It is also predictable the day you choose will be your reality today. Wow, did you know you had that much control over what kind of day you had? Allow that thought to percolate and marinate for a little while.
You are not alone in your need and desire to Reignite the Fire Within. Rather than waiting and hoping that fire gets lit, let's make it happen.
I submit that the only thing each of us truly owns in the universe is our word. Every time we break our word someone gets hurt. Choose to have integrity with yourself.
You are the best witness to the power of the affirmations you make every day. Are they positive or negative? Please be aware they are what you are choosing, and you are witnessing the fruit they are producing. I'm Just Sayin'
At Discover Leadership Training we believe that "I am" are two of the most powerful words you will ever speak because those two words identify the stories you tell yourself and others about you. Those two words indicate what you own as "truth". So, who are you?
In the next 24 hours, make a commitment to catch as many people as you can doing things right.
Success consists of going from circumstance to circumstance without losing your focus or enthusiasm to realize your positive outcome. You will observe that the last 4 letters in the word "Enthusiasm" are IASM- which stands for "I Am Sold Myself!" Each circumstance you experience is a gift and represents a choice point, and it is in that moment that you get to authenticate your commitment to your outcome. Wow, that is a powerful awareness.
Good Morning, today we begin our first Master Graduate Leadership Program in over a year and are focused on helping these individuals create a better version of themselves. There is no need to wait for something to be wrong or broken. We all occupy the largest room in the house and that is the room for improvement.
Here is an awareness you may not have wanted to hear this morning. Every time you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock, think about the conversation you are having with yourself. Is that conversation positive or negative? Thanks for your honesty; it is negative. Knowing that positive and negative are choices, why would you ever choose negative? It's time to change your approach as to how you start your day.
Storms will rage all around you. It is your choice as to whether they rage inside of you. Turmoil, frustration, disappointment, fear - the only place these exist is in the conversation you are having with yourself. You are in control of that conversation. Despite what is going on around you, you can make the choice to create a conversation focused on what you want rather than what you don't want. You may not be able to prevent the storms from occurring all around you; however, you can choose to be calm in the midst of them.
It is a new year, with new possibilities, however, if the old you shows up, the result is predictable. Give me a call and I will personally help you design a plan of action for this year that I promise will create new unreasonable positive outcomes for you.
As you reengage in life and focus on gaining some forward momentum, could you use some fuel to help you Reignite the Fire Within? Rediscover Discover and Rediscover Yourself.
In my book Unreasonable Possibilities I submit that the action that you will take in the next moment is predictable and hence will create a predictable future. It is possible to surprise yourself today and create a new unreasonable positive outcome-you are worth it.
Living your life on purpose today means making deliberate choices focused on a specific outcome. When you know your "why" at the end of your day and you know you created the answer, then you know that you have created a purposeful day.
Do you recall some of the promises and commitments you made regarding changes you would make in your professional and personal life? Change is tough and with the interruption the pandemic has created in our lives, every one of us could use some fuel on our Fire, even a Master Graduate.
Rather than using "I'm not perfect" as an excuse, realize it is a gift. Imperfection just admits that we all occupy the largest room in the house and that is the room for improvement. Celebrate your imperfections and commit to focus on besting your best every day. Life is Great!
In the end it will not matter how many years you were alive. What will count is the amount of life in those years. Life is not a dress rehearsal, and as far as we know, this is the only moment we have. Live each moment of life with enthusiasm, passion, and conviction. Find a way every day to catch people doing things right. Make some positive memories today!
What you fight against weakens you. You have a choice to be independent of the opinions of others. Accept the fact that they are entitled to their opinion, just as you are entitled to yours. The energy you waste making them wrong will never benefit you in a positive way. The only benefit you will receive is, you will get to be "right".
Do you recall raising your hand acknowledging that the Master Graduate Leadership Program was the most impactive and challenging leadership program you had ever experienced? Do you remember how you felt to receive the Certificate of Achievement that you earned? You were literally on Fire! Stay tuned......
Yesterday's life currency has been spent and 86,400 seconds are gone. How ever you spent them will produce either profits or liabilities today and will likely determine how you spend the 86,400 seconds available to you today.
This journey that you have embarked on, focused on creating a positive future for yourself and others, will be exciting and challenging. There is NO need to drag any excessive negative baggage on your trip because it will not benefit you. I promise that you will smile a lot more if you choose to leave it behind. I'm just sayin'.
All of the behaviors you demonstrate every day that you can observe are "choice points". The behaviors that are invisible to you are habits. The only way you will become aware of those habitual behaviors is by listening to the people around you, not just hearing them.
I challenge you to transform something negative into something positive today. When you do, in that moment you will have invented a new future. Now, if you choose to continue practicing this every day, you will become an inventor. How cool is that? Life is Great!!
The only people you should focus on getting "even" with are those that have given to you in a positive way. Focus on Paying it Forward.
2021 will not bring you happiness or sadness. Life is an attitude, and you get to decide ahead of time what that attitude will be and the feeling you will create for yourself. It's all about the conversation you are having with yourself.
If you have experienced our Master Graduate Leadership Program, you know how powerful it is; you also know that you had to receive the gift of being nominated to attend the program from a past graduate. Who in your life would appreciate the gift of being nominated by you? Nominate them today!
No matter how unreasonable your dreams appear to others, they are still your dreams. No need to wait for someone's acceptance or approval to make your dreams a reality.
If you want something you never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done. The same mind that got you to where you are right now will not get you to the special place you have dreamed about. In order to change your course, you must become the wind and change your direction.
I believe that true wisdom is authenticated in the moment. Sometimes you got to know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run like hell. Every situation will require something different from you; demonstrate wisdom by being in the moment.
In 2021 there are brand new opportunities available to you to improve in every area of your life. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. Make this the year that you deliberately take the risk of going for what you want.
When you KNOW who has your back you take more risks and you play the game at a different level. I encourage you to Rediscover Discover and Rediscover Yourself.
Do you ask someone for what you want or need and then wait to see if they fail or succeed? If they succeed without your engagement, it demonstrates that they were more committed to success than you were. If they fail, the only thing that you will have proven is that you were no more committed to success than they were. My coaching to you is to be as committed and engaged in delivering on what you want and need from others as you need them to be. When you and I make a commitment to each other, my commitment is to make sure both of us are successful.
Happy New Year!!! This year, Rediscover Discover, Rediscover Yourself.
As a child, you had an unbridled enthusiasm for the simple things in life. For many, that enthusiasm was slowly defused and killed. If there is still breath in your body, it is not too late to recapture that zest for life you had as a child; because it's never too late to have a happy childhood. "Not Over"
When you have the courage to take a stand, the spines of others are stiffened. I encourage you to passionately fight for the things you want, rather than angrily against the things you don't want. Both of these approaches will produce results that are a likeness of itself.
HAPPY NEW YEAR from Discover Leadership Training! I encourage you to be the "Game Changer" in all of your professional and personal relationships this year by asking each person in your life "What do you need from me to take our relationship to the next level?" OMG, you just created an opportunity for a new beginning in each of those relationships during 2021. Yay Yay, Game On!
2021 will not bring you happiness or sadness. Life is an attitude and you get to decide ahead of time. The circumstances that will occur during this new year will not create your reality; your choices will. So, check the compelling stories you are telling yourself.
I am requesting that you join me in giving a few special gifts this Holiday Season that are needed now more than ever, More Kindness, More Positivity, More Fairness, More Patience, and More Love. None of these will cost you one penny.
Good Morning. I know I sent this to you last Tuesday, I'm just not sure if you really connected so here it is to read again... So you waited until this typical time of the year to make a few "New Year's Resolutions". My coaching to you this morning is to invent a new future by breaking through this predictable paradigm. Click here to read my Ebook titled Setting Outcomes for 2021 that will create an opportunity for you to stop smoking, lose weight, get out of debt, or whatever you really, really want. If you have the courage to take this on, 2021 will be your best year ever. Happy New Year.
There's a difference between being interested and committed. When you are interested in something, you spend time in it when you can, and often with limitations. When you are committed to something, you accept no reasons, alibis, or excuses - only results. If your first roadblock becomes your stop sign, there was no commitment. If you find yourself in a conversation of why you can't or won't make it happen, there was no commitment. Commitment is playing full out and giving heart, body, and soul to make it happen. Whatever it takes means recognizing the roadblock as a gift. Rock on my friend!!
If you do not take a firm, significant, positive stand for something, you just might fall for anything. A true leader has the confidence to take a positive stand for something, even if it means standing alone. So who are you and what do you stand for? It is important to know because who you "BE" they will "BE"come. You are a role model.
I have a little secret I want to share with you this morning. In order to get what you want from life, you must know what you want and then believe you can have it. Life is Great!
Happy Holidays from Discover Leadership Training. We are on your team! Thanks for being on ours!
To achieve the seemingly impossible is precisely the unrealistic thing that you must think about. Being unrealistically successful begins first in the conversation you are having with yourself. Envision it, create a positive conversation around it, and celebrate it. Giving life to the thing you want opens the door to manifesting it and makes the impossible, possible. One of the greatest secrets revealed is that the only impossibilities that exist in the universe exist in the conversation you are having with yourself.
Being open-minded is neither good nor bad; it just "is". Be aware of the thought seeds you allow to be planted in your mind because if they are negative they will produce negative fruit; if they are positive they will produce positive fruit. Each thought seed planted will always produce a likeness of itself.
Good Morning. So you waited until this typical time of the year to make a few "New Year's Resolutions". My coaching to you this morning is to invent a new future by breaking through this predictable paradigm. I have an offering below that will create an opportunity for you to stop smoking, lose weight, get out of debt, or whatever you really, really want. If you have the courage to take this on, 2021 will be your best year ever. Happy New Year. Setting Outcomes for 2021
There is one answer to every question in the universe and that answer is YES! If you constantly tell yourself that you can't, you won't. If you constantly tell yourself you can, you will. WAYFO? What you focus on will expand!
Success, focus, drive, perseverance, self-worth (oh my, I could go on) are a matter of the made-up mind. It does not matter the size or significance of the circumstance before you. Your ability to succeed and overcome your circumstances begins first in your decision to do so; in creating the positive conversation focused on what you want. You then become a clearing for those things and people that will help you manifest your success. Make up your mind and make it happen now.
Take a moment to wipe the steam from your morning shower off the mirror. Take a look in that mirror - the person you see and the experiences you have had are the result of your choices. The choices you made are to the things you were the most committed to in that present moment. That can be an invigorating or scary awareness.
Emotions can ignite action; however, emotions rarely sustain the action taken. You must focus on a positive outcome and remain focused on that positive outcome in order to sustain it. Take Action Now and write down the benefits of your outcome. Allow those benefits to fuel your next step. Now, didn't that feel better?
It has been said that the sweetest fruit available is out on the skinny branches; it requires you to risk something to go for it. It is okay to play full out today. Take the leap onto the skinny branch to get the fruit you want. If you want a significant reward, you must take a significant risk. Go for it now. Life is not a Dress Rehearsal.
If the source of your happiness is based on circumstances or the opinions of others, then you really are not happy. Happiness is a gift available to everyone at ALL times, no matter the circumstances or someone else's opinion. Choose today to be happy. It is your gift to yourself, your family, friends, and then to the world around you. You Matter!
If you could project yourself to the end of your life this morning and you could visualize a smile on your face and joy in your heart because you had a "Great Life", what would your story be? You will only experience that "Great Life" if you choose to create it. A "Great Life" will not happen to you; it will happen because of you.
There is no reason, no excuse, no alibi, and no fate, that can hinder an individual that is focused on a specific purpose. You are in control of the direction you are moving. Nothing outside of you chooses your path. To understand this is to accept personal responsibility for where you are in this present moment, the choices you have made, and the results those choices have produced. Establish your direction, your outcome, and make the choice to TAN (Take Action Now). This sets you in motion and the commitment and resolve that you demonstrate will keep you focused on your purpose.
There is a law in the universe that you can count on as an absolute truth. It is the Law of Reciprocity. What you send out; you get back. What you give; you get. The good news is you get to choose what you give. Wow, isn't that cool?
ALL of our On-Purpose Apparel merchandise has been reduced for a limited time by 50%. As you focus on Creating a Better Version of Yourself, go to the store to get the tools to be successful.
Have the courage to create an image of the life you really, really want and continually accept personal responsibility to make it a reality. You really are worth it. You must believe it before you see it. After you have clearly identified what you really, really want, do not accept "no" for an answer. Continually change your approach until you get what you want. Important note ... I said life you want, not relationship. I'm just sayin'.
Today (Monday) is 20% of your workweek. The four Mondays this month represent 20% of your month. To dread each Monday means you will have four "slow days" each month which is the equivalent of having two full months of "slow days" each year. Imagine the loss of production and revenue. You can choose to begin again today; focused on TGIM (Thank God it's Monday) - and create the conversation focused on what you want.
There is no reason, no excuse, no alibi, and no fate, that can hinder an individual that is focused on a specific purpose. You are in control of the direction you are moving. Nothing outside of you chooses your path. To understand this is to accept personal responsibility for where you are in this present moment, the choices you have made, and the results those choices have produced. Establish your direction, your outcome, and make the choice to TAN (Take Action Now). This sets you in motion and the commitment and resolve that you demonstrate will keep you focused on your purpose.
In this present moment, unreasonable possibilities exist. What do you have the capacity to believe? Most people immediately think about how they can get more money or be in a better relationship; however, those things are the fruit of accepting a higher calling to "BE" the CEO (Chief Example Officer) for what you say you believe. Life is Great!!
I have a very simple, profound thought for you this morning. It could make a world of difference for you today. If you choose to focus on the difficulty in every opportunity, you will only see difficulty. If you choose to focus on the opportunity in every difficulty, you will only see opportunity. WAYFO? What Are You Focused On? This is where you get to choose.
God has many gifts available for you - courage, self-confidence, self-worth, determination, joy, focus, patience, drive, enthusiasm, respect, and many more. I submit that one of the greatest gifts is choice - choose today to believe in yourself. Ok, good job. It is also ok to believe in others, because the sum of the parts is greater than any one of them acting independently.
There will come a day when each of us will be on our deathbed, and unfortunately in that moment most people will be asking one question and making one statement: "What If?" and "If Only". This is your NOW. Make the choice to play full out. Ok, so here is my coaching: set an outcome, develop a plan, and most importantly, commit to this plan of action. And then ... "Be in the Moment" and make the choices that move you forward to your outcome.
Never settle for Good-Nuff. It will never be enough. Nuff said.
If you are experiencing any frustration in any of your relationships today, my coaching to you is to write down what is creating the frustration. Now that you can see it, my coaching to you is to never allow that to happen again. Frustration is produced when you internalize a conversation about an unfulfilled expectation. When you communicate what you just wrote down to that person, you at least create a possibility that you will never be frustrated again. That coaching is worth a million dollars if you execute it. No need to write a check, this one is on the house.
We all occupy the largest room in the house - the room for improvement. As long as you are living on this earth, there is an opportunity for growth. Keep moving forward, armor on the front, and know that as you climb your current challenge... heave yourself over the edge, take that deep breath and look up... you will see there is another level there waiting for you. Celebrate your accomplishment of reaching your next level and celebrate that you get to go to the next level! It's "Not Over".
There is an "i" in Team! You are either a creator of truth or a creature of circumstance - you either bring color into your environment or, like a chameleon, you take color from others' environments. YOU MATTER!
It is Black Friday 2020. This is an opportunity to create a win/win for yourself and others. Discover Leadership Training is presently offering our programs at our annual Black Friday prices. I encourage you to TAN (Take Action Now).
If you are experiencing anything you "don't want" in your life, it is because of what you are choosing. The choice you are making in every moment is to the thing you are the most committed to. You are 100% personally responsible for that choice. So what do you really want?
The famous actress, Lucille Ball once said, "I would rather regret the things that I have done than the things that I have not." I made a decision several years ago that caused me a tremendous amount of disappointment and pain. The results of that decision taught me so much about myself. If you become wiser from whatever you are doing why would you ever feel regret? Ok, let's stop the presses for one moment. If you are still blaming the person or the circumstance that caused you disappointment or pain, then you will continue to have regrets. Accepting personal responsibility for your choice regarding this situation will free you from regret. Ok, that is going to sting for a little while.
During our training we address the #1 fear of mankind... public speaking. Did you know that the #2 fear of mankind is death by fire? Now, let me put this into perspective; most people would rather be the charred remains in the casket than the person standing up to give the eulogy. Think about that and send me an email if you want to get that #1 fear handled.
Everything you fight against weakens you. This is a message that if just one person embraces today, the world will be a better place. Every ounce of energy you spend fighting against the things you don't want or do not like, you will miss an opportunity to positively affect what you do like and what you do want. Are you expending your energy in such a way that it is producing a positive return on your investment? Because the choice you make right now will create the future you are about to experience.
Some people say "the journey begins with the first step." Well, I believe the journey begins with the first thought. Until you think it and believe it, it won't happen, because energy and action follow thought. Take a look at what you are thinking. WAYFO? What Are You Focused On?
If common sense is so common, then why is it so rare? There are very few facts, however, there is a ton of common sense. If you continue to hold on to your common sense as if it is a fact, I will predict that when all has been said and done you will get to be right. How is that working for you?
Some people say "the journey begins with the first step." Well, I believe the journey begins with the first thought. Until you think it and believe it, it won't happen, because energy and action follow thought. Take a look at what you are thinking. WAYFO? What Are You Focused On?
It is predictable that you will continue to experience frustration with your significant other if you continue managing your relationship based on expectations. Take the time to identify what the two of you are committed to then make and manage the promises to deliver. When you do, "I love you" will take on a new meaning.
I want you to visualize this picture for 2021. Your team at work is more positive, more productive. Your personal relationships are more connected, positive and supportive. If you prepare to create that future now, you will manifest it as reality tomorrow. Enroll your team and family TODAY in our programs at Black Friday prices, this is an investment that can change your world.
Each of us has a personal map that was developed by the experiences we have had and from the humans who taught us everything they knew. They didn't know everything and we have not experienced everything, therefore, the highest form of ignorance is to reject something just because you do not agree or understand it. Your map is not the entire territory; it's just your map. By the way, if what you see as common sense is so common, why is it so rare? Open your mind and heart today; there is more to learn.
Wake up. IT'S PARTY TIME!! TGIM! You have a choice - you can focus on all the positive things and celebrate, or you can focus on everything that went wrong and throw a pity party. If you will be throwing or attending a pity party today, here are few essential items you must have: a list of character flaws, a list of everything that has gone wrong, and a portable hole to crawl into... sound like fun? Which party will you choose?
When you accept 100% personal responsibility over your thoughts, you will have 100% control over the realities in your life. Now, that does not submit that everything will turn out the way you wanted it to, it means that you will have done 100% of what you knew to do to get to that outcome. I believe that is success.
It has been said that living your life on purpose is like having six in one hand and half a dozen in the other; it really doesn't matter. Do you think they really believe that, or is the real message "I am afraid to get out of my comfort zone."?
There is no reason, no excuse, no alibi, and no fate, that can hinder an individual that is focused on a specific purpose. You are in control of the direction you are moving. Nothing outside of you chooses your path. To understand this is to accept personal responsibility for where you are in this present moment, the choices you have made, and the results those choices have produced. Establish your direction, your outcome, and make the choice to TAN (Take Action Now). This sets you in motion and the commitment and resolve that you demonstrate will keep you focused on your purpose.
The most successful people on the planet are those who are willing to do what others are unwilling to do. The most successful people invest in themselves. Colton, I invite you to make an investment in yourself and get to know you better, that is an investment that will produce a positive return.
If you continue approaching things the same way you always have, it may be comfortable; however, the future is predictable. Change your approach and surprise yourself. Every time you change your approach, you create an opportunity for an "unreasonable possibility" to emerge. When was the last time you surprised yourself?
It is important to control 100% of what we can. Discover Leadership Training cannot control this pandemic, however, we do control creating opportunities to help you grow virtually. You cannot control others, however, you have 100% control over your own personal growth and development. Here is an opportunity for you to get to know yourself better, which will allow you to improve every one of your relationships.
Life is Great! Enough said.
I understand that "iFOTO" (I Focus On The Outcome) is a simple concept, however, it is not simple to perform. It is important to become aware that whatever you choose to focus on will expand. So, practice remaining focused on your positive outcome; the outcome will determine the next step you will need to take to get closer to that outcome. iFOTO is my Motto.
I want to let you in on something that is TOP SECRET... there is a conspiracy going on that is focused on your success. You have likely heard it said that everything happens for a reason. Guess what? It's true. Now it is up to YOU to find the positive in what happened and celebrate. Take Action Now!
During a recent flight I observed a woman with several magazines that chronicled what was going on in the personal lives and relationships of others. I wondered as I observed her, "How is it that we spend more time keeping up with and scrutinizing what is going on in others' lives than we do our own?" Why not make that investment in your personal growth and your relationship? Rediscover Discover and Rediscover Yourself!
During our Master Graduate Leadership Program, inevitably someone asks the question, "How does this work in the real world?" My response is, "The 'real world' in your world is the result of the choices you make." In other words, you get to decide how it works based on what you believe is possible and the choices you make. Okay, let's be "real", you were already deciding how it works.
VOTE TODAY! As in everything, do 100% of what you can, with no attachment to the outcome. Whether your candidates win or lose, you can do your part to positively impact your community, your environment, your place of worship, your country, OUR world, by getting off the sidelines and getting in the game.